Table 9.
Log (Beer consumption per capita) | Number of arrests for public drunkenness | |
Treat | −0.017 (0.007)*** | −0.219 (0.074)*** |
R2 | 0.981 | |
Pseudo R2 | 0.645 | |
N | 561 | 2462 |
Notes: The first column reports the estimated effect of the FSP law on log(beer consumption per capita) from an OLS regression. The second column reports the estimated effect of the FSP law on the number of arrests for public drunkenness from a Poisson regression. Both models contain state and year fixed effects and a set of state-level control variables as discussed in the text. The second model also controls for month fixed effects. Standard errors, corrected for clustering at the state-year level, are reported in parentheses. The sign *** denotes statistical significance at the 1 percent significance level.