Figure 4. Both AlkR1279Q and AlkF1178L mutations cooperate with MYCN in vivo to induce NB tumors.
(A and B) Kaplan-Meier analysis showing that the AlkR1279Q and AlkF1178L mutations cooperate with MYCN to induce NB in a 129B6F1 (A) and 129S2 (B) background, respectively. 129B6F1: F1 background from 129×1/SvJ × C57Bl6/N intercrosses. Mice were sacrificed upon detection of abdominal palpable tumors or paralysis of the lower extremities. (C) Examples of abdominal and thoracic tumors at autopsy. Tum: tumor; K: kidney. Stars mark the adrenal glands. (D) Example of cervical tumors deriving from the SCG. The stellate ganglia of the same mice are shown next to the cervical tumors. (E) Detection of one multifocal (abdominal and thoracic) tumor in a MYCN/KI AlkR1279Q mice by molecular imaging using 18F[FDG] micro-PET. H: heart; Bl: bladder (left panel). Mouse autopsy confirmed the presence of both tumors (right panel). (F) Representative images of tumor histology. Left panel: MYCN tumor, undifferentiated; middle and right panels: MYCN/Alk tumors exhibiting signs of differentiation. Scale bars, 50 μm.