Figure 2.
Mean arterial pressure (MAP, mmHg), renal sympathetic nerve discharge (SND, %Δ), and splenic SND (%Δ) responses to intravenous administration of saline (Intact, n=5; SAD, n=6; open triangles) or Dexmedetomidine (Dex) in baroreceptor-intact (Intact, left panels) (three Dex doses or dose ranges: 6–10 μg/kg, n=6, closed circles; 3 μg/kg, n=9, open circles; 0.5–1 μg/kg, n=6, closed triangles) and sinoaortic-denervated (SAD, right panels) (two Dex doses or dose ranges: 3 μg/kg, n=6, open circles; 0.5–1 μg/kg, n=3, closed triangles) F344 rats. Baseline levels are represented as Time 0. Recordings were maintained for 60 min after administration of Dex or saline. *Dex significantly different from control for the three Dex doses (6–10 μg/kg, 3 μg/kg, 0.5–1 μg/kg) administered to Intact rats and for the two Dex doses (3 μg/kg and 0.5–1 μg/kg) administered to SAD rats. **Dex 6–10 μg/kg and 3 μg/kg doses significantly different from the 0.5–1 μg/kg Dex dose in Intact rats. **Dex 3 μg/kg Dex dose significantly different from the 0.5–1 μg/kg Dex dose in SAD rats. ǂMAP significantly different from control values in response to each of the Dex doses administered to Intact and SAD rats.