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. 2014 Jun 2;2014:248419. doi: 10.1155/2014/248419

Table 2.

Methylation profile of MGMT and p16 genes in tissue and blood samples of study groups.

Gene methylation Groups Tissue Blood
M* U P valuea M* U P valuea
MGMT Control (n = 16) 2 (13%) 14 (87%) Ref 1 (6%) 15 (94%) Ref
PMOLs (n = 54) 32 (59%) 22 (41%) 0.001 21 (39%) 33 (61%) 0.0135
PMOL subtypes
 LKP (n = 22) 16 (73%) 6 (27%) 0.0002 9 (41%) 13 (59%) 0.0166
 LKPD (n = 11) 8 (73%) 3 (27%) 0.0015 6 (55%) 5 (45%) 0.0049
 SMF (n = 13) 6 (46%) 7 (54%) 0.0437 4 (31%) 9 (69%) 0.0821
 OLP (n = 8) 2 (25%) 6 (75%) 0.4386 2 (25%) 6 (75%) 0.1904
OSCC (n = 76) 58 (76%) 18 (24%) 0.0001 43 (57%) 33 (43%) 0.0002

P valueb PMOLs versus OSCC 0.0379 0.0468

p16 Control (n = 16) 2 (13%) 14 (87%) Ref 0 (0%) 16 (100%) Ref
PMOLs (n = 54) 31 (57%) 23 (43%) 0.0016 18 (33%) 36 (67%) 0.0074
PMOL subtypes
 LKP (n = 22) 15 (68%) 7 (32%) 0.0007 10 (45%) 12 (55%) 0.0017
 LKPD (n = 11) 4 (36%) 7 (64%) 0.1428 2 (18%) 9 (82%) 0.0763
 SMF (n = 13) 8 (62%) 5 (38%) 0.0057 6 (46%) 7 (54%) 0.0023
 OLP (n = 8) 4 (50%) 4 (50%) 0.0455 0 (0%) 8 (100%) NA
OSCC (n = 76) 62 (82%) 14 (18%) 0.0001 53 (70%) 23 (30%) 0.0001

P valueb PMOLs versus OSCC 0.0026 0.0001

M: methylated, U: umethylated, and Ref: reference; aChi-square test considering control as reference category; bChi-square test considering PMOLs as reference category.

*Methylated group includes samples showing complete methylation (only methylated amplicon) as well as samples showing partial methylation (both methylated and unmethylated amplicons).