Fig. 3.
VOR responses during a 2 Hz, 50°/sec RALP head rotation encoded by prosthetic stimulation delivered by a monopolar electrode in the LP SCC ampulla with respect to a distant reference. For each panel, stimulus current is labeled; all other parameters were kept constant. In each, the ordinate axis and inverted head velocity trace have been scaled to enhance visibility all components of the response. Barely visible at 50 μA, the response at 100 μA includes conjugate RALP rotations similar to normal chinchilla responses, except for a horizontal component that could indicate spurious stimulation of the horizontal SCC ampullary nerve or the otolithic endorgans. At 250 μA, the LP response has grown to over 150°/sec peak velocity, but the spurious horizontal component nearly equals it. Reprinted with permission from Della Santina et al., IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 2007, 54:1016–1030.