(a) Confocal micrographs of LN-229 cells after NP and dextran-FITC coendocytosis (60× water-immersion objective). Orange NPs were loaded with Alexa546 after synthesis, while red NPs contain covalently bound Alexa633, which cannot be released. The two types of NPs were endocytosed separately and the two populations subsequently mixed and incubated with dextran. Images were acquired before (top row) and at various time points following 2 min light stimulation of the NPs (following rows). Dextran-FITC cytosolic release is observed with both NP types with different kinetics. Scale bars are 20 μm. (b) Time evolution of NP and dextran-FITC average cell fluorescence (normalized to initial fluorescence) following light stimulation, for both Alexa546-NPs loaded cells (left, n = 14 cells) and Alexa633-NPs loaded cells (right, n = 20 cells). The bars represent SD.