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. 2014 Apr 23;289(24):16867–16882. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.551820


Crystal data, data collection parameters and structure refinement statistics

Complex G:dCMPNPP (Cn) 8-OxoG:dCMPNP (Ci) 8-OxoG:dAMPNPP (Ai) 8-OxoG:dGMPNPP (Gi) 8-OxoG:C (Ce) 8-OxoG:A (Ae)
Data collection
    Wavelength Å 1.07810 Å 0.97872 Å 1.07810 Å 0.97872 Å 0.97872 Å 0.97872 Å
    Space group P61 P61 P61 P61 P61 P61
    Resolution 42.24 to 1.58 Å (1.64 to 1.58 Å)a 42.52 to 1.72 Å (1.78 to 1.72 Å) 42.68 to 1.70 Å (1.76 to 1.70 Å) 42.59 to 1.72 Å (1.78 to 1.72 Å) 42.57 to 1.72 Å (1.78 to 1.72 Å) 42.70 to 1.62 Å (1.68 to 1.62 Å)
    Unit cell a = b, c 98.66, 81.79 Å 98.20, 81.55 Å 98.57, 81.56 Å 98.37, 81.70 Å 98.31, 81.60 Å 98.61, 81.84 Å
    Unique reflections 61,923 (6,148) 47,424 (4,714) 49,367 (4,854) 47,675 (4,752) 47,720 (4,725) 57,391 (5,696)
    Completeness [%] 99.9 (99.7) 99.9 (99.7) 99.5 (98.6) 99.9 (99.9) 99.7 (99.0) 100.0 (100.0)
    I/σ(I) 20.86 (2.33) 23.73 (4.29) 15.65 (1.92) 18.35 (2.93) 26.32 (3.94) 15.33 (3.21)
    Wilson B-factor 19.4 Å2 19.1 Å2 23.7 Å2 21.0 Å2 21.1 Å2 17.1 Å2
    R-merge 0.065 (0.863) 0.070 (0.647) 0.064 (0.948) 0.082 (0.827) 0.065 (0.755) 0.099 (0.806)
    Redundancy 7.4 (7.2) 7.3 (6.7) 7.4 (6.9) 7.5 (7.4) 7.2 (6.6) 7.4 (6.5)

    R-work 0.170 (0.233) 0.163 (0.211) 0.172 (0.244) 0.185 (0.271) 0.172 (0.228) 0.162 (0.199)
    R-free 0.215 (0.269) 0.208 (0.253) 0.219 (0.294) 0.232 (0.351) 0.210 (0.270) 0.204 (0.238)
    No. of atoms protein/DNA 3,459/409 3,470/410 3,441/410 3,517/430 3,380/409 3,445/413
    dNMPNPP/Mg2+ 28/2 28/2 30/2 31/2 28/2 28/2
    Water/solute 475/6 466/12 424/6 462/6 452/6 532/12
    Protein residues 450 451 451 450 447 449
    Average B-factor 26.0 24.4 30.7 26.6 28.6 24.4
    Protein/DNA 24.9/27.3 23.1/26.8 29.7/31.5 25.2/31.3 27.4/31.4 23.1/26.4
    dNMPNPP/Mg2+ 15.2/13.6 12.1/10.6 18.8/13.5 16.7/14.8 16.4/17.8 13.0/19.6
    Water/solute 33.0/16.7 32.7/21.7 38.0/23.1 34.3/18.1 36.2/17.9 31.7/22.4
    r.m.s.b (bonds) 0.019 0.015 0.017 0.014 0.012 0.015
    r.m.s. (angles) 1.8 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.4
    Ramachandran, favored 98% 98% 97% 97% 98% 98%
    Ramachandran, outliers 0.23% 0.23% 0.46% 0.22% 0.47% 0.46%

a Statistics for the highest resolution shell are shown in parentheses.

b r.m.s. is root mean square.