Figure 1. Activation of TRPM2 in HSG cells.
TRPM2 activity was assessed either by measuring fura2 fluorescence changes (340/380 ratio) or by whole-cell patch-clamp measurements in HSG cells. (a) Fura 2 fluorescence measurements in HSG cells treated with H2O2 in the presence and absence of Ca2+ in the external medium. (b) Development of cation currents following H2O2 treatment. (c) I-V relationship of maximum current in b. (d–e) Similar patch-clamp measurements with ADPR included in the pipette solution. (f) Sensitivity of ADPR-induced current to 50 µM clotrimazole. Effect of siTRPM2 on TRPM2 transcript (upper panel) and protein (lower panel). (h,i) Effect of siTRPM2 on H2O2-induced intracellular Ca2+ release and Ca2+ influx and ADPR-induced cation currents, respectively. All other experimental details are provided in the methods section. These are representative traces from multiple experiments.