GAD65-GFP–positive cells from the SVZ of LPC-injected brains generate Olig2- and GalC-positive cells in culture. (a) Bright field (left) and fluorescence (right) images of cultured FACS-purified SVZ GAD65-GFP–positive cells from NaCl- or LPC-injected brains. Arrows indicate GAD65-GFP–positive cells with neuronal (cultures from NaCl-injected brains) or oligodendrocytic (cultures from LPC-injected brains) morphologies. Scale bar represents 50 μm. (b) Images of FACS-purified SVZ GAD65-GFP–positive cells from NaCl- and LPC-injected brains cultured for 5 d and immunostained with antibodies to MAP2, GalC, Mash1 or Olig2. Scale bar represents 30 μm. (c) Percentages of GAD65-GFP–positive cells expressing MAP2, Mash1, Olig2 and GalC in 5-d cultures obtained from SVZ cells of NaCl- or LPC-injected brains. Cultures from NaCl-injected brains consisted of 100% MAP2-positive cells; no Olig2- or GalC-positive cells were detected. A percentage of MAP2-positive cells coexpressed Mash1. Cultures from LPC-injected brains consisted of GAD65-GFP–positive, Olig2-positive cells and GAD65-GFP–positive, GalC-positive cells. Bar graphs represent means ± s.e.m. (n = 3 independent cultures, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.03, t test).