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. 2013 May 31;40(4):813–823. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbt081

Table 3.

Descriptive Statistics for Final (Round 2) RAND Panel Ratings

Rating Criteria, Mean (SD), Median
Reliability Distributions Utility as a Repeated Measure Convergent and Discriminant Validity Criterion Validity Practicality Tolerability Scale Mean Score
AIHQ 6.27 (1.27), 6 4.64 (1.43), 5 3.10 (0.088), 3 2.40 (0.84), 2 2.73 (1.19), 3 5.73 (1.49), 6 6.18 (1.33), 6 4.50 (1.69)
IPSAQ 1.60 (0.70), 1.5 5.64 (1.21), 6 3.45 (1.44), 4 3.10 (0.74), 3 1.00 (0.00), 1 2.90 (0.88), 3 3.40 (1.08), 3 3.00 (1.48)
BLERT 5.27 (1.42), 5 6.18 (0.98), 6 6.09 (1.22), 6 6.09 (1.04), 6 4.91 (0.94), 5 8.00 (0.89), 8 8.18 (0.60), 8 6.43 (1.19)
DANVA2 1.80 (0.63), 2 4.70 (1.16), 5 1.30 (0.48), 1 4.18 (1.40), 5 4.60 (0.70), 4.5 6.09 (1.30), 6 7.00 (1.18), 7 4.16 (2.00)
ER-40 3.30 (0.82), 3.5 6.40 (0.070), 6.5 4.80 (1.03), 5 4.40 (0.84), 5 4.09 (1.38), 4 8.18 (0.98), 8 8.27 (0.65), 8 5.63 (1.96)
FEDT 4.27 (1.49), 4 2.70 (1.64), 2 4.50 (0.97), 5 5.36 (0.92), 5 4.36 (1.43), 4 6.82 (1.25), 7 7.18 (1.33), 7 5.00 (1.47)
Half PONS 2.00 (0.47), 2 7.10 (0.88), 7 2.60 (1.17), 2 5.00 (0.82), 5 5.64 (1.12), 6 4.82 (1.17), 5 4.10 (1.20), 4 4.51 (1.78)
RAD 5.80 (1.03), 6 6.80 (0.92), 7 2.90 (0.88), 3 5.20 (0.79), 5 5.18 (1.40), 5 4.82 (1.17), 5 3.80 (0.92), 4 4.97 (1.28)
Faux Pas 7.00 (2.16), 8 5.09 (1.45), 5 1.40 (1.27), 1 3.82 (0.98), 4 3.73 (1.42), 4 5.09 (0.94), 5 5.18 (1.33), 5 4.56 (1.73)
Brune PS 1.40 (0.84), 1 2.90 (0.88), 3 4.82 (1.08), 5 4.00 (1.10), 4 4.73 (1.01), 5 6.00 (1.34), 6 6.10 (0.88), 6 4.31 (1.70)
Eyes 4.18 (1.47), 4 5.64 (1.43), 6 3.91 (1.22), 4 5.36 (1.21), 6 4.10 (0.88), 4 6.55 (1.04), 6 4.80 (1.23), 5 4.91 (0.89)
SA 2.60 (0.97), 3 5.00 (1.55), 5 1.00 (0.00), 1 3.91 (1.14), 4 1.00 (0.00), 1 5.91 (1.30), 6 7.80 (0.79), 8 3.31 (2.53)
TASIT 5.50 (1.12), 6 5.27 (1.35), 5 4.73 (1.35), 4 4.10 (0.99), 4 3.80 (0.42), 4 4.27 (1.42), 4 4.70 (0.68), 5 4.63 (0.58)
Hinting 2.5 (0.53), 2.5 4.60 (0.70), 4.5 5.09 (0.94), 5 5.00 (1.18), 5 6.60 (0.84), 6 7.18 (1.08), 7 7.20 (0.92), 7.5 5.53 (1.68)
MASC 1.80 (0.63), 2 5.70 (0.68), 6 1.10 (0.32), 1 2.30 (0.82), 2.5 2.45 (1.44), 2 1.70 (0.82), 1.5 5.30 (0.95), 6 2.93 (1.82)
NCS 2.10 (0.57), 2 5.09 (0.83), 5 4.40 (0.97), 4.5 1.90 (0.74), 2 1.82 (1.08), 1 6.64 (1.29), 7 6.73 (1.27), 7 4.17 (2.24)
Trust 1.20 (0.63), 1 2.70 (0.68), 3 2.90 (0.74), 3 1.6 (0.70), 1.5 1.00 (0.00), 1 7.30 (0.68), 7 7.30 (0.68), 7 3.43 (2.74)
Mean criterion score 3.5 (1.92) 5.1 (1.33) 3.4 (1.58) 4.0 (1.33) 3.7 (1.72) 5.5 (1.95) 6.1 (1.53)
Qualitative rating Fair Good Fair Fair/good Fair Good Good/very good

Note: AIHQ, Ambiguous Intentions Hostility Questionnaire; IPSAQ, Internal, Personal, and Situational Attributions Questionnaire; BLERT, Bell Lysaker Emotion Recognition Task; DANVA2, Diagnostic Analysis of Nonverbal Accuracy 2; ER-40, Penn Emotion Recognition Test; FEDT, Face Emotion Discrimination Test; Half PONS, Half Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity; RAD, Relationships Across Domains; Faux Pas, Adult Faux Pas; Brune PS, Brune Picture Sequencing Task; Eyes, Reading the Mind in the Eyes Test; SA, Silent Animations; TASIT, The Awareness of Social Inference Test; Hinting, The Hinting Task; MASC, Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition; NCS, Need for Closure Scale; Trust, Trustworthiness Task. Mean scores for selected tasks were significantly higher than mean scores for the nonselected tasks [t(15) = 2.55, P = .02].

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure