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. 2013 Jun 14;40(4):744–755. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbt085

Table 1.

Characteristics of Studies Included in the Meta-analysis of Longitudinal Studies of UHR and FEP

Study Sample (Male) Follow-up Age Characteristics Medication Cognitive Tasks
Addington et al 48 124 (83) FEP; 66 (38) HC 1, 2 y Age: FEP = 24.6; HC = 22.7 Substantial improvement in positive symptoms; PANSS; schizophrenia spectrum 1 y = 82%, 2y = 68%; baseline = 98% on SGA WCST, TMT A, B, RAVLT, letter and category fluency, Stroop, CPT, logical memory, Rey figure
Albus et al 50 71 (36) FES; 71 (36) HC 5 y Age: FES = 29.7; HC = 29.9 Baseline stable, after admission; PANSS, SANS 56/71 on AP; 16/71 FGA WMS, CVLT, TMT, symbol, Stroop, WCST, letter fluency
Albus et al 34 50 (26) FES; 50 (23) HC 2 y Age: FES = 29; HC = 31.6 Baseline stable, after admission; PANSS 23/50 FGA; 18/50 clozapine WMS, CVLT, TMT, symbol, Stroop, WCST
de Mello Ayres et al 57 30 FES; 67 HC 1–3 y Most taking AP Digits span, verbal fluency
Chan et al 45 34 FEP 1 and 3 y Age: FEP = 28.1; HC = 27.6 22/34 Schizophrenia, 2/34 schizoaffective; 10/34 schizophreniform; PANSS Baseline medication naive WCST, HSCT, monotone counting task
Gold et al 54 54 (41) FEP 5 y Age: FEP = 24.0 FE or recent onset, schizophrenia spectrum; SANS/SAPS 40/54 AP; 29/54 FGA TMT B, cancellation task, WCST, RCFT, letter fluency, LM, IQ
Noupoulos et al35 35 (29) FES 1–2 y Age: FES = 23.7 Baseline at index admission
FE or recent onset
29/35 on AP; 24/35 FGA; baseline all on FGA RAVLT, PAL, LM, Stroop, letter fluency, TMT B,
Hill et al 51 45 (28) FES; 33 (23) HC 1, 2 y Age: FES = 26.1; FES=23.5 Baseline at index admission Baseline AP naive; 31/45 on AP at 1 y; 21/45 on AP at 2 y WCST, Stroop, TMT A, B, Stroop, Symbol coding, digit span, CVLT, WMS-R visual memory, cancellation test
Keefe et al 44 58 FEP 1, 2 y (26/58 in 2 y) Olanzapine or haloperidone; at baseline < 4 mo history of AP Total score based factor; analysis of a cognitive battery
Kopala et al 52 20 FEP 1, 2 y Age around 23 Drawn from sample of 39 consisting of vast majority schizophrenia and 3 schizoaffective All on quetiapine RAVLT, Vis memory, letter fluency, design fluency, WCST, CPT, TMT A and B
Pena et al 47 71 (49) FEP; 34 HC 2 y Age: FEP = 28.5 Mixture of schizophreniform and affective psychosis; PANSS Treated with SGA Brief test of attention, Digits backwards, LNS, TMT A, Stroop, WCST, letter fluency, categorical fluency, WMS memory
Purdon et al 56 65 (45) FES 1 y Age: FES = 28.8 PANSS Haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone WCST, letter and category fluency, symbol coding, digit span, visual span, trail making, TMT B, Rey figure, story learning, list learning, visual reproduction
Rodriguez-Sanchez et al 49 112 (73) FEP; 22 (9) HC 1 y; active illness to stabilization Age: FEP = 2.5 SAPS Mostly on haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone; Baseline AP naive RAVLT, RCFT, CPT, brief test of attention
Rund et al 46 111 (64) FEP 1–2 y Age: FEP = 28.1; HC = 24.1 PANSS 78% AP; 73% SGA CVLT, WCST, TMT A and B, letter fluency, digit span, CPT
Scottish Schizophrenia Research Group 55 27 FES 28 1 y All pimozide or flupenthixol Digit span, block design, IQ
Towsend et al 53 83 (62) FEP 1 y; baseline after stable Age: FEP = 24.7 SAPS/SANS: 67/83 schizophrenia; 14/83 schizoaffective; 2/83 schizophreniform 40 risperidone, 17 olanzapine, 11 quetiapine, 8 clozapine, 7 FGA PASAT, WCST, TMT A, B, letter fluency, CPT, Stroop, IQ, symbol coding, WMS
Becker et al 39 41(29) UHR; 17 (9) HC 1–2 y Age: UHR = 19.8; HC = 19.4 24 UHR-NP; 17 UHR-P UHR-P tested when stabilized on medication CVLT, letter and category fluency, CPT, SWM, RCFT
Bowie et al 38 53 (40) UHR (3 groups); 17 (9) HC 6 mo Age: UHR = 15.8; HC = 16.4 SIPS; SOPS 11 UHR with AP; 15 UHR with AD; 27 UHR-no medication CPT, TMT A and B, LNS, letter fluency
Keefe et al 37 28 UHR 1 y 11UHR-P; 17 UHR-NP No medication; olanzapine using patients excluded Global cognition
Lin et al 42 230 (99) UHR 7.2 y Age: UHR = 18.7 PACE: 189 UHR good and 41 UHR poor prognosis VMI, IQ
Wood et al36 16 (10) UHR; 17 (14) HC 1.4 y Age: UHR = 17.3 and 21; HC = 19.7 PACE: 7 UHR-NP; 9 UHR-P AP = 10/16 (9/10 UHR-P) Digit span, symbol coding, logical memory, visual reproduction, RAVLT, TMT A, B, letter fluency, verbal pair associate
Niendam et al 41 35 (21) UHR 0.63 y Age = 17.3 SIPS; SOPS Half on AP TMT A, B, symbol coding letter fluency, matrix reasoning, digit span, visual reproduction, CVLT, logical memory
Jahsan et al 40 48 (28) UHR; 29 (14) HC 1.1 y Age: UHR = 18.7; UHR = 19.0 SIPS/CARE 10/48 on AP WCST, Stroop, HVLT, LNS, spatial span
Barbato et al 43 72 UHR 6 mo All UHR-NP RAVLT, LNS, WCST, Stroop, TMT A and B, CPT, category fluency, SWM, n-back
Woodberry et al 58 53 (26) UHR; 32 (16) HC 1 y Age: UHR = 16; HC = 16.3 43 UHR-NP; 10 UHR-P AP = 59%; mood stabilizer = 40% CVLT, WMS, WCST, LNS, CPT, verbal fluency, trail making

Note: UHR, ultra-high risk; FEP, first-episode psychosis; HC, healthy controls; PANSS, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale; SGA, second-generation antipsychotics; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; TMT, trail making test; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; CPT, continuous performance test; FES, first-episode schizophrenia; SANS, Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; AP, antipsychotics; FGA, first-generation antipsychotics; CVLT, California verbal learning test; HSCT, Hayling sentence completion test; WMS, Wechsler Memory Scale; SAPS, Schedule for Assessment of Positive Symptoms; SWM, spatial working memory; RCFT, Rey Complex Figure Test; LM, logical memory; PAL, paired associate learning; LNS, letter number sequencing; PASAT, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test; UHR-P, transition to psychosis in follow-up; UHR-NP, no transition to psychosis in follow-up; SIPS, Structured Interview for Prodromal Syndromes; SOPS, Scale of Prodromal Symptoms; AD, antidepressants; PACE, Personal Assessment and Crisis Evaluation; VMI, Verbal Memory Index; HVLT, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test. Studies with bold characters indicate main samples included in the meta-analysis.