MALDI-QIT-TOF MS spectra showing the difference
of fucosylation
in tri- and tetra-antennary N-glycans of haptoglobin
between HCC and cirrhosis in relation to the etiology, HBV (A), HCV
(B), and ALC (C), respectively. The bifucosylated tetra-antennary
(m/z 3316.69) glycan was predominantly
present in HCC samples but not in liver cirrhosis. The tetra-antennary
glycans were highly elevated in HBV- and ALC-related HCC compared
with the corresponding levels in cirrhosis; however, no significant
difference in tetra-antennary glycans was observed between HCV-related
HCC and cirrhosis. The elevated presence of fucosylated tetra-antennary
glycans in HCC samples compared to that in cirrhosis of each etiology
is highlighted with a red rectangle.