Figure 9.
The digestive function of larvae exposed to C5 was significantly reduced compared to control or C1/C3 exposed larvae. (A) Explanation of the principle of digestive function testing. Quantification of the fluorescence intensity of the intramolecular-quenched protein, EnzChek, at 624 nm following experimental digestion by trypsin. (B) Left panel: representative fluorescent images of larvae fed with EnzChek. The fluorescence intensity of the digested peptides in the GIT of larvae exposed to C5 is significantly reduced compared to the fluorescence intensity in larvae exposed to C1 and C3. Right: Average ± SD of the fluorescence intensity extracted from larvae in each group. While fluorescence intensity was significant (p < 0.05) reduced for C5 exposed larvae, no decrease was seen for C1 and C3 exposed larvae.