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. 2014 Jun 16;9(6):e99963. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0099963

Table 2. List of Several Interesting Putative Human Targets for Select Plant miRNAs and Potential Impact of These Food-Derived Molecules on Human Organism.

Protein Name TargetGeneSymbol PlantmiRNA TargetFunction Potential BiologicalImpact of TargetGene ExpressionInhibition Ref.
Zing fingerE-box-bindinghomeobox 1 ZEB1 ath-miR319b Repression ofT-lymphocyte specificIL-2 gene expression Induction of themesenchymal-to-epithelial transition incancer cell lines; Reductionof cancer cell linesaggressiveness [40], [41]
Interleukin-1receptor-like 1 IL1RL1 ath-miR166a Receptor of IL-33 Inhibition of the Th2-typeimmune responses;Reduction of the non-Th2-typeinflammations(e.g. allergic diseases) [42], [43]
Interleukin-18 receptoraccessory protein IL18RAP ath-miR319b Essential for IL-18binding to its receptorcomplex; IL-18-dependentactivation of NF-kappa-Band JNK Inhibition of theTh1-mediated inflammatorypathologies [44], [74]
Histamine H2 receptor HRH2 zma-miR156a Mediation of gastric acidsecretion; Regulation ofgastrointestinal motilityand intestinal secretion Reduction of gastric acidsecretion; Reduction ofulcer incidence; Blockingthe histamine effects [45][47], [75]
Poliovirus receptor-related protein 4(nectin-4) PVRL4 ctr-miR167 Involvement in celladhesion through thetrans-homophilic and-heterophilic interactions Blocking the Measlesvirus infection [49][51]