Figure 3. Temperature treatment at 41°C advanced the phase depending on the number of days.
(A) Correlation maps of PER2::LUC rhythms between cosinor amplitude and index of goodness of fit. The dashed line indicates 40% of cosinor amplitude and 0.1 of goodness of fit. (B) Averaged PER2::LUC peak phases of each organ for each group. Numbers next to plots indicate the rates of mice whose PER2::LUC expression was rhythmic. #p<0.05, ## p<0.01, ###p<0.001 versus control mice by Dunn test. (C) Average cosinor amplitude of each organ for each group. Graphs constructed using data from mice whose PER2::LUC expression was rhythmic. All values are expressed as mean ± or + SEM except (A).