Figure 5. Images and diffractograms of dried filament from case B.
(a) Image of a single filament placed between two crossed polarization filters rotated 45° with respect to the vertical axis (white arrows), the scale bar represents 10 mm. (b) Image of a filament in a light microscope. (c–e,g,h) SEM images of a filament, where the outlined squares are close-ups. The scale bars are 20 μm in b–d, 2 μm in e and 500 nm in g,h. (f) Diffractograms from a horizontal scan of a filament shown in b, where the filament has a diameter of ~30 μm, the beam size is 1.5 × 1.2 μm2 (Horiz. × Vert.) and the distance between two diffractograms is 6 μm (the region covered by each diffractogram is indicated with blue rectangles in b). The scale bar in f is 10 nm−1.