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. 2014 Jun 2;16(6):e142. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3193

Table 1.

Electronic database search terms.

Search term topic Search terms
Terms for alcohol use

1. alcohol-related

2. alcohol

3. (alcohol and (use$ or abuse or misuse or dependen$ or drink$ or intoxication$ or disorder$ or consumption)).mp.

4. exp Alcoholism/ or (alcoholi$).mp.

5. ((hazard$ or binge or heavy or harmful or risk$) and drink$).mp.

6. 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5

7. limit 6 to abstracts

8. (drinker$1 or (drink$ adj2 use$1) or ((alcohol$ or drink$) adj5 (binge$ or disorder$ or harm$ or hazard$ or heavy or high risk or intoxicat$ or misus$ or problem$))). ti.ab.

9. 7 or 8
Terms for e-formats

10. exp Text Messaging/ or ((text-messag$) or (SMS) or (short message service) or (text adj messag$)).mp.

11. ((phone adj application$) or (phone adj app)).ti,ab,kw.

12. ((social-network) or ( social network) or (social-media) or (social-media)).ti,ab,kw.

13. skype.ti,ab,kw.

14. exp telemedicine/

15. facebook.ti,ab,kw.

16. ((personal adj digital adj assistant) or pda).ti,ab,kw.

17. (surf$ near4 internet$).ti,ab,kw.

18. (surf$ near4 web$).ti,ab,kw.

19. (virtual adj reality).ti,ab,kw.

20. Second life.ti,ab,kw.

21. User-computer interface/

22. (consumer adj health adj informatics$).ti,ab,kw.

23. ((e adj health) or e-health or (electronic adj health)).ti,ab,kw.

24. (interactive adj ((health adj communicat$) or televise$ or video$ or technolog$ or multimedia)).ti,ab,kw.

25. ((bulletin adj board$) or bulletinboard$ or messageboard$ or (message adj board$)).ti,ab,kw.

26. (blog$ or web-log$ or weblog$ ).ti,ab,kw.

27. ((chat adj room$) or chatroom$).ti,ab,kw.

28. (online or on-line).ti,ab,kw.

29. exp internet/ or ((internet adj based) or internet-based).ti,ab,kw.

30. ((web adj based) or web-based).ti,ab,kw.

31. ((world adj wide adj web) or (world-wide-web) or WWW or (world-wide adj web) or (worldwide adj web) or website$).ti,ab,kw.

32. ((electronic adj mail) or email$ or email$).ti,ab,kw.

33. (((mobile or cellular or cell or smart) adj (phone$ or telephone$)) or smartphone).ti,ab,kw.

34. ((CD adj ROM) or cd-rom or cdrom or (compact adj dis$)).ti,ab,kw.

35. (decision adj (tree$ or aid$)).ti,ab,kw.

36. (Internet or (local adj area adj network)).ti,ab,kw.

37. (computer$ or microcomputer$ or laptop).ti,ab,kw.

38. exp Software-/

39. exp Computer-Graphics/

40. exp Public-Health-Informatics/

41. exp Audiovisual-Aids/

42. exp Decision-Support-Techniques/

43. exp Medical Informatics/

44. exp Computer-Systems/

45. (or/10-44)
Brief interventions

46. alcohol

47. brief

48. early

49. minimal

50. alcohol

51. Harm Reduction/


53. (counseling or counselling).mp.

54. controlled

55. (brief counseling or brief counselling).mp.

56. physician based

57. general practitioner

58. Secondary Prevention/

59. general practitioner’s

60. brief physician-delivered

61. brief nurse-delivered



64. or/46-63
Terms for randomized controlled trial

65. exp clinical trial/ or (crossover procedure or double blind procedure or placebo$ or randomization or random sample or single blind procedure).sh.

66. exp clinical trial/ or cross-over studies/ or double-blind method/ or random allocation/ or randomized controlled trials as topic/ or single-blind method/

67. exp clinical trial/ or (placebo or random sampling).sh.

68. (clinical adj2 trial$).tw.

69. (crossover or cross over).tw.

70. (((single$ or doubl$ or trebl$ or tripl$) adj5 blind$) or mask$ or dummy or singleblind$ or doubleblind$ or trebleblind$ or tripleblind$).tw.

71. (placebo$ or random$).mp.

72. (clinical trial$ or controlled clinical trial$ or random$).pt. or treatment outcome$.mp.

73. animals/ not human$.mp.

74. animal$/ not human$/

75. (or/65-72) not (or/73-74)

76. and/9,45,64,75