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. 2014 Jun 2;16(6):e142. doi: 10.2196/jmir.3193

Table 3.

Characteristics of screening, experimental, and control interventions, and nature and timing of assessments.

Study ID Screening cutoffa eSBI detailsa Control group Dropouts at follow-up, n (%)a
Araki et al, 2006 [23] Abnormal levels of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase Personalized feedback and advice sent via 2 emails 1 month apart; encouraged to ask questions via email Assessment only 2 mo: (1 participant was not included in the analysis but the group that they were randomized to was not reported)
Blankers et al, 2011 [24] AUDIT score ≥8 and reported drinking average 14 standard drinks per week Access to an online self-help program based on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioral therapy principles, suggested daily use for 4 weeks Assessment only 3 mo: eSBI: 20 (29.4), control: 18 (26.1)
Boon et al, 2011 [25] Exceeding Dutch guideline for low risk drinkers (>20 alcohol units per week or > 5 alcohol units on a single occasion on at least 1 day/week) Single, 20-min brief personalized feedback session through website with the opportunity to print the feedback Assessment and educational leaflet, instructed to read the leaflet for 20 min and could print the material 1 mo: eSBI: 18 (7.8), control: 19 (8.6)
6 mo: eSBI: 22 (9.6), control: 25 (11.4)
Butler et al, 2009 [26] ≥2 binge drinking occasions (≥5 drinks in 1 sitting for men and 4 or more for women) and 2 alcohol-related problems in the past 28 days Standard drink=14 g ethanol Single, average 11-min session of computer-delivered personalized feedback and a paper copy to take home Assessment only 4 w: eSBI: 9 (30.0), control: 4 (15.4)
Cunningham et al, 2009 [16] and Cunningham et al, 2010 [17] Score ≥4 on the AUDIT-C (standard drink=13.6 g ethanol) Single, 10-min session completing Check Your Drinking online intervention of normative and personalized feedback Assessment and a list of possible components to include in an intervention 3 mo: eSBI=7 (7.6), control: 3 (3.2)
6 mo: eSBI: 7 (7.6), control: 8 (8.6)
12 mo: eSBI: 11 (12.0), control: 11 (11.8)
Cunningham et al, 2012 [27] Score ≥4 on the AUDIT-C Access to the Check Your Drinking University version online intervention of normative and personalized feedback; intervention could be accessed repeatedly Assessment only 6 w: eSBI: 59 (28.0), control: 75 (35.0)
Ekman et al, 2011 [28] (1) Weekly alcohol consumption >120 g ethanol (women) or 180 g ethanol (men) in a typical week in the past 3 months and/or (2) engaged with heavy episodic drinking defined as consuming ≥48 g of ethanol (women) or ≥60 g of ethanol (men) on ≥2 occasions in the past month Single session intervention of personalized normative feedback delivered via email Assessment and brief feedback consisting of 3 statements 3 mo: eSBI: 125 (37.9), control: 113 (34.9)
6 mo: eSBI: 78 (24), control: 80 (24)
Hansen et al, 2012 [29] Above recommended max drinking limit set by the Danish National Board of Health of 14 drinks/168 g ethanol for women or 21 drinks/252 g for men (standard drink=12 g ethanol) PFI: fully automated, Internet-based single session of brief personalized and normative feedback; PBA: fully automated, Internet-based single session of brief personalized feedback and advice Assessment only 6 mo: eSBI PFI: 186 (39.0), eSBI PBA: 171 (38.0), control: 150 (33.0)
12 mo: eSBI PFI: 109 (22.9), eSBI PBA: 108 (24.0), control: 95 (20.9)
Hester et al, 2012 [30] Met the National Institute for Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse (2004) criteria for heavy episodic drinking of ≥4 drinks per occasion (women) or ≥5 drinks per occasion (men) at least once in past 2 weeks and an estimated peak blood alcohol concentration of 80 mg% or more (standard drink=14 g ethanol) Self-guided College Drinkers Check-up, delivered online, single session taking up to 35 min to complete; assessment, normative feedback, and advice Assessment only Exp 1 (1 mo): eSBI: 2 (3.1), control: 2.5)
Exp 1 (12 mo): eSBI: 6 (9.2), control: 8 (10.1)
Exp 2 (1 mo): eSBI: 0 (0.0), control: 1 (2.5)
Hester et al, 2005 [31] Score ≥8 AUDIT (standard drink=14 g ethanol) Computer-based DCU, assessment, feedback, and decision-making modules; single session can take up to 90 min to complete with the option of printing the feedback Assessment only 4 w: not reported
Kypri et al, 2009 [32] Score ≥8 on AUDIT and exceeding the Australian National Health and Medical Research Councils guideline for acute risk (defined as 4 standard drinks for women or 6 for men in a single occasion in the last 4 weeks); standard drink=10 g ethanol Single online session of personalized feedback Assessment only 1 mo: eSBI: 288 (23.0), control: 237 (20.0)
6 mo: eSBI: 442 (35.3), control: 420 (35.5)
Kypri et al, 2008 [33] AUDIT score ≥8; standard drink=10 g ethanol Single computer-delivered session of personalized and normative feedback taking a median 9.3 min to complete Assessment and alcohol facts leaflet 6 mo: eSBI: 22 (15.9), control: 22 (15.1)
12 mo: eSBI: 25 (18.1), control: 20 (13.7)
Kypri et al, 2013 [34] Score ≥4 on AUDIT; standard drink=10 g ethanol Single online session of personalized and normative feedback taking a median 4.3 min to complete Assessment only 5 mo: eSBI: 207 (22.0), control: 170 (20.0)
Kypri et al, 2004 [35] Score ≥8 on AUDIT and consuming >4 standard drinks for men or >6 for women on ≥1 occasion in past 4 weeks (standard drink=10 g ethanol) Computer-delivered single session of personalized feedback Assessment and alcohol facts leaflet 6 w: eSBI: 9 (17.6), control: 12 (22.6)
6 mo: eSBI: 4 (7.8), control: 6 (11.3)
Lewis et al, 2007 [36] ≥1 heavy episode (≥4 standard drinks in 1 sitting for women and ≥5 standard drinks in 1 sitting for men) in the previous month; standard drink=14 g ethanol eSBI specific: gender-specific Web-based personalized normative feedback; eSBI neutral: gender-neutral Web-based personalized normative feedback; feedback was read on screen and participants were given printout to take home Assessment only 5 mo: eSBI specific: 11 (14.7), eSBI neutral: 15 (18.3), control: 10 (11.4)
Murphy et al, 2010 [37] ≥2 heavy drinking episodes in the past month (described as ≥4 standard drinks on 1 occasion for women and ≥5 standard drinks for men) or ≥1 heavy drinking episodes for minority students; standard drink=14 g ethanol Interactive, Web-based intervention, E-CHUG (Electronic Check-up and Go), assessment and personalized feedback in a single session lasting up to 45 min with a brief comprehension test on completion Assessment only 1 mo: eSBI: 7 (15.6), control: 3 (7.1)
Neighbors et al, 2004 [38] ≥1 heavy drinking episode in the previous month (defined as 4 standard drinks in 1 sitting for women and 5 standard drinks for men); standard drink=14 g ethanol Single computer-delivered session of personalized normative feedback presented on screen for 1 min plus a printout Assessment only 3 mo: whole sample: 53 (21.0)
6 mo: whole sample: 45 (17.9)
Neighbors et al, 2010 [39] ≥5 drinks for men and ≥4 drinks for women on ≥1 occasions in the past month; standard drink=14 g ethanol eSBI GSF: single session delivered online giving personalized gender-specific feedback; eSBI GNSF: single session delivered online giving personalized gender-nonspecific feedback Assessment and an attention test (facts about the university students were presented in the same format as the intervention) 6 mo: eSBI GSF: 10 (6.1), eSBI GNSF: 16 (9.8), control: 13 (8.0)
24 mo: eSBI GSF: 33 (20.2), eSBI GNSF: 25 (15.2), control: 31 (19.0)
Neumann et al, 2006 [40] AUDIT score ≥5 Single session of computer-generated feedback and a printout to take home Assessment only 6 mo: eSBI:=213 (37.9), control: 207 (36.0)
12 mo: eSBI: 252 (44.9), control: 224 (39.0)
Palfai et al, 2011 [41] Hazardous drinkers who either (1) consumed alcohol in the past month and scored ≥8 on AUDIT or (2) reported ≥2 heavy drinking episodes (defined as ≥5 drinks for men or ≥4 drinks for women in the past month; standard drink=14 g ethanol) Single computer-delivered session of personalized, normative, and gender-specific feedback Assessment and health guidelines for sleep and consumption of fruit and vegetables 1 mo: whole sample: 0 (0.0)
Spijkerman et al, 2010 [42] Age 15-16 y: engage in binge drinking at least once a month; age 17-20 y: engaged in binge drinking ≥1/week; binge drinking defined as drinking ≥4 alcoholic drinks for women or ≥6 for men on 1 occasion; standard drink=10 g ethanol eSBI NNF: single online session of personalized feedback tailored to age and gender, took ~15 min to complete; eSBI NF: single online session of personalized normative gender- and age-specific feedback, took ~15 min to complete Assessment only 1 mo: eSBI NNF: 92 (47.9), eSBI NF: 93 (48.2), control: 68 (35.8))
3 mo: eSBI NNF: 106 (55.2), eSBI NF: 104 (53.9), control: 87 (45.8)
Wagener et al, 2012 [43] ≥1 heavy drinking session (≥5 drinks on 1 occasion for men or ≥4 for women), drinking ≥20 drinks/month on average and experiencing negative consequences of that use in the last month (standard drink=14 g ethanol) Single session using of computer-delivered assessment personalized feedback using an interactive program (DRAFT-CS), took ~45 min to complete; participants were given printout of their feedback Assessment only 10 w: eSBI: 2 (5.1), control: 3 (8.1)
Walters et al, 2009 [44] Reported ≥1 heavy drinking session in the past 2 weeks defined as ≥5 standard drinks for men and ≥4 standard drinks for women (standard drink=14 g ethanol) eSBI: single session of personalized feedback delivered through the online Check-Up to Go Assessment only 3 mo: eSBI: 9 (13.4), control: 6 (8.7)
6 mo: eSBI: 13 (19.4), control: 8 (11.6)

a eSBI: electronic screening and brief intervention, AUDIT: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, PFI: brief personalized feedback intervention, PBA: personalized brief advice intervention, DCU: Drinkers Check Up, GSF: gender-specific, GNSF: gender-nonspecific, NNF: intervention without normative feedback, NF: intervention with normative feedback, FBO: feedback only, DRAFT-CS: Drinking Assessment and Feedback Tool for College Students.