Table 2.
Test-retest reliability of physical activity, sedentary and travel behaviour self-report measures for Hong Kong adolescents
Item/Measure | Overall sample (N = 68) | Boys (n = 36) | Girls (n = 32) |
Setting/domain: SCHOOL |
Physical Education |
PE classes (days/week) |
NC (98%) |
NC (96%) |
NC (100%) |
Length of PE period (min/class) |
0.89 |
0.94 |
0.86 |
Total PE time (min/week)
0.84 |
0.87 |
0.81 |
Recess |
Recess at school (days/week) |
NC (94%) |
NC (92%) |
NC (98%) |
Total length of recess (min/day) |
0.69 |
0.64 |
0.72 |
Total recess time (min/week)
0.72 |
0.67 |
0.76 |
Number of sports teams or after-school physical activity classes at school in past year |
0.74 (79%) |
0.84 (89%) |
0.65* (69%) |
Setting/domain: OUT-OF-SCHOOL |
Leisure-time physical activity (PA) |
≥ 60 min/day of out-of-school PA in past 7 days (day/week) |
0.70 (76%) |
0.69 (69%) |
0.72 (84%) |
≥ 60 min/day of out-of-school PA in usual week (day/week) |
0.79 (65%) |
0.80 (67%) |
0.78 (63%) |
Average score on two out-of-school PA
0.76 |
0.74 |
0.77 |
Number of sports teams or after-school physical activity classes out-of-school in past year |
0.89 (90%) |
0.90 (92%) |
0.87 (88%) |
Sedentary behaviour (hours/day) |
Watching TV/videos/DVD |
0.62 (74%) |
0.61 (64%) |
0.64 (78%) |
Playing sedentary computer or video games |
0.66 (72%) |
0.65 (69%) |
0.68 (75%) |
Using internet/emailing/other electronic media for leisure |
0.58 (65%) |
0.59 (67%) |
0.56 (63%) |
Doing homework |
0.78 (76%) |
0.69 (67%) |
0.85* (88%) |
Reading a book or magazine (not for school) |
0.61 (62%) |
0.54 (57%) |
0.67 (69%) |
Riding in a car, bus, etc. |
0.51 (68%) |
0.52 (69%) |
0.49 (67%) |
Total screen time (hours/day)
0.62 |
0.61 |
0.63 |
Total sedentary time (hours/day)
0.65 |
0.62 |
0.67 |
Setting/domain: TRANSPORTATION |
Walking or cycling to/from destinations (times/week) |
Indoor or exercise facility |
0.61 (76%) |
0.55 (72%) |
0.67 (81%) |
Friend’s or relative house |
0.48 (57%) |
0.49 (58%) |
0.45 (56%) |
Outdoor recreation place |
0.47 (62%) |
0.47 (61%) |
0.46 (63%) |
Food store or restaurant/cafe |
0.82 (80%) |
0.78 (75%) |
0.86 (84%) |
Other retail stores |
0.51 (62%) |
0.46 (58%) |
0.57 (66%) |
Non-school social or educational activities |
0.51 (68%) |
0.52 (67%) |
0.51 (69%) |
Public transportation stop |
0.71 (69%) |
0.71 (69%) |
0.71 (69%) |
Work |
NA (100%) |
NA (100%) |
NA (100%) |
Other |
NA (100%) |
NA (100%) |
NA (100%) |
Total score on walking or cycling to/from destinations (times/week)
0.59 |
0.56 |
0.62 |
Transportation modes to/from school (days/week) [0–5] |
To school |
Walk |
0.89 (90%) |
0.87 (89%) |
0.91 (91%) |
Bicycle |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
Public transport |
0.92 (97%) |
0.92 (97%) |
0.91 (97%) |
Taxi |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
School bus |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
Family car |
0.92 (96%) |
0.89 (94%) |
0.94 (97%) |
From school |
Walk |
0.76 (79%) |
0.73 (72%) |
0.79 (88%) |
Bicycle |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
Public transport |
0.68 (74%) |
0.71 (78%) |
0.66 (69%) |
Taxi |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
School bus |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
NC (100%) |
Family car |
NC (99%) |
NC (97%) |
NC (100%) |
Total frequency of active transportation to/from school (times/week) | 0.88 | 0.86 | 0.90 |
Notes. *Significant difference between genders (p < .05); NC = intra-class correlation coefficient could not be computed due to lack of variability in responses. Percent agreement is in brackets. All other values represent intra-class correlation coefficients. Percent agreement not computed for continuous measures.