Figure 1. Expression of FasL on the human tumor endothelium.
(a) Representative dual staining of the endothelium (CD34, Red) and FasL (brown) from normal and tumor tissues from the indicated organs. Original magnification, 400×; scale bar, 50 μm. (b) Summary of FasL vessel expression of the indicated tumor types. (c) Expression of FasL on cultured normal endothelial cells, activated T cells and two representative ovarian tumor samples gated on CD45−CD31+ endothelial cells. Shaded areas are isotype control staining, and dotted line in T cell plot is FasL from unstimulated T cells. All solid lines are FasL staining. (d) Quantification of FasL on tumor endothelial cells isolated from individuals with ovarian cancer (n = 11). (e) Representative image showing vessels from tumor (T) and surrounding stromal tissue. Original magnification 40×; scale bar, 100 μm. Enlarged vessels original magnification 200×; scale bar, 50 μm. (f) Quantification of FasL expression on the tumor endothelium of individuals with ovarian cancer. (n = 27). P value determined by a paired t test.