Fig. 1.
Characterization of mononuclear cells in the BAL of BeO or PBS-treated HLA-DP2 transgenic mice. (A) Representative H&E staining of lungs from wild-type (WT) FVB/N and HLA-DP2 Tg mice after exposure to PBS or 100 µg BeO is shown (10× magnification). A total of nine mice from each treatment group were examined by H&E from three separate experiments. Arrows denote areas of peribronchovascular mononuclear cell infiltration. (B) Total WBC counts from BAL fluid of HLA-DP2 Tg mice after exposure to BeO or PBS are shown. (C) Percentage of BAL macrophages and lymphocytes in HLA-DP2 Tg mice after exposure to BeO or PBS is shown. (D) Number of CD3+ T cells in the BAL of HLA-DP2 Tg mice after exposure to BeO or PBS is shown. (E) Representative density plots showing the expression of CD4 and CD8 on gated CD3+ T cells or the expression of the γδ TCR on CD3+ T cells in the BAL of BeO-exposed HLA-DP2 Tg mice. (F) The number of CD4+, CD8+, and γδ T cells in the BAL of HLA-DP2 Tg mice after exposure to BeO or PBS is shown. The solid bars represent the median value for each treatment group, and data represent up to 18 mice from three separate experiments.