Table 1.
Medicinal plant used for the treatment of human diseases; scientific name, local name, Habit, part(s) used, method of preparation, administration route and diseases treated
Voucher number
Family, Genera, species names |
Local names |
Growth habit |
Plant type, cultivated/wild |
Part(s) used and preparation method |
Administration route |
Disease(s) treated |
BA |
Alliaceae, Allium sativum L. |
Qullubbii |
H |
D |
Bulb of A. sativum and rhizome of Ginger officinale are pounded and eaten with honey. |
Oral |
Malaria |
78 | |||||||
BA |
Aloaceae, Aloe monticola Reynolds |
Hargisa |
H |
W |
Root is pounded and mixed with cold water and local alcohol (tella) |
Oral |
Anthrax |
45 | |||||||
BA |
Aloaceae, Aloe macrocarpa Tod |
Hargisa |
H |
W |
Leaf of A. macrocarpa is powdered and mixed with honey |
Oral |
Wart |
52 | |||||||
BA |
Amaranthaceae, Amaranthus caudatus L. |
Iyyaasuu |
H |
W |
Leaf is pounded and boiled. |
oral |
Diarrhea |
6 | |||||||
BA |
Apocynaceae, Carissa spinarum L. |
Hagamsa |
SH |
W |
Fresh root of C. spinarum is pounded and mixed with tella (local alcohol). |
Oral |
Impotence |
24 | |||||||
Gonorrhea, | |||||||
Stomachache | |||||||
Headache | |||||||
BA |
Asteraceae, Acmella caulirhiza Del. |
Gutichaa |
H |
W |
Flowerof A. Caulirhiza is chewed and spitted on tonsillitis |
Oral |
Tonsillitis |
21 | |||||||
BA |
Asteraceae, Artemisia abyssinica |
Ariti |
H |
W |
Crushed fresh root of A. abyssinica is homogenized in water and the patient smell and drink |
Oral Nasal |
Evil spirit |
35 | |||||||
Sch.Bip.ex.Rich/ | |||||||
Voucher number
Family, Genera, species names |
Local names |
Growth habit |
Plant type, cultivated/wild |
Part(s) used and preparation method |
Administration route |
Disease(s) treated |
BA |
Asteraceae, Echinops kebericho, Mesfin |
Qabarichoo |
H |
W |
Pounded dry root is mixed with coffee |
Oral |
Toothache |
77 | |||||||
vomiting | |||||||
Headache | |||||||
BA |
Asteraceae, Guizotia scabra (Vis.) Chiov. |
Adaa |
SH |
W |
Leaf of G. scabra is squeezed and its drop is prepared. |
Dermal |
Wound |
53 | |||||||
BA |
Brassicaceae, Coronopus didymus (L.) Sm |
Surumaa |
SH |
W |
leafy-stemof C. didymus is collected and dried in sunlight, crushed and mixed with soup of sorghum |
Oral |
Bone fracture |
25 | |||||||
BA |
Cactaceae, Opuntia ficus -indica (L.) Mill. |
Nimi |
T |
W |
leaf of O. Ficus-indica is collected with small node and fumigated in the house |
fumigation |
Kill malarial vectors |
38 | |||||||
Voucher number
Family, Genera, species names |
Local names |
Growth habit |
Plant type, cultivated/wild |
Part(s) used and preparation method |
Administration route |
Disease(s) treated |
BA |
Capparidaceae, Crateva adansonii D.C. Prodr |
Qolladii |
SH |
W |
Dried root of C. adansonii powdered, mixed with water |
Oral |
Gonorrhoea |
4 | |||||||
BA |
Capparidaceae, Ritchiea albersii Gilg |
Arbuu |
T |
W |
Drops from stem and tied on the wound Seed pounded and mixed with tea/ H2O |
Oral |
Cough |
27 | |||||||
BA |
Combretaceae, Combertum paniculatum Vent |
Baggii |
SH |
W |
Bark latex of C. paniculatum is pounded and mixed with soda and creamed on affected skin. |
Dermal |
Ringworm |
7 | |||||||
Voucher number
Family, Genera, species names |
Local names |
Growth habit |
Plant type, cultivated/wild |
Part(s) used and preparation method |
Administration route |
Disease(s) treated |
BA |
Crassulaceae, Kalanchoe densiflora Rolfe |
Endahula |
H |
W |
Leaves of K.densiflora is squeezed, and its drop is dropped on the wound |
Dermal |
Gonorrhea |
61 | |||||||
BA |
Cucurbitaceae, Cucurbita pepo L. |
Buqqee |
H |
D |
Seed powder is mixed with water and filtered |
Oral |
Gonorrhea |
67 | |||||||
BA |
Euphorbiaceae, Croton macrostachyus Del. |
Bakkannisa |
T |
W |
Powdered leafy-stem of C. macrostachyus is mixed with H2O and butter and filtered finally. |
Dermal |
Wound |
38 | |||||||
Oral |
Malaria |
Oral |
Gonorrhea |
BA |
Euphorbaceae, Euphorbia abbyssinica J.F.Gmel. |
Adaamii |
T |
W |
Bark decoction is taken |
Oral |
gastro-intestinal, Ascaris, Gonohhorea |
36 | |||||||
BA |
Euphorbiaceae, Justicia schimperiana (Nees) T. Anderson |
Loomii |
T |
D |
Seed of J. Schimperiana is crushed and mixed with water and filtered |
Oral |
Rabies |
42 | |||||||
BA |
Fabaceae, Acacia abyssinica Hochst ex.Benth. |
Laaftoo |
T |
W |
Leaf of A. abyssinica is smashed and the sap is made. |
Dermal |
Goiter |
26 | |||||||
BA |
Fabaceae, Albizia schimperiana Oliv. |
Imalaa |
T |
W |
Root of A. schimperiana and Pterolobium stellatum is dried and powdered. |
Nasal |
Evil eye |
65 | |||||||
Root of A.schimperiana is powdered and the powder is rolled in clean cloth and tied to the neck of equines. |
Swelling |
Voucher number
Family, Genera, species names |
Local names |
Growth habit |
Plant type, cultivated/wild |
Part(s) used and preparation method |
Administration route |
Disease(s) treated |
BA |
Fabaceae, Calpurnia subdecandra (L’Herit.) Schweick. |
Ceeqaa |
SH |
W |
Leaf of C. subdecandra is smashed and rubbed on affected area. |
Dermal |
Skin diseases |
28 | |||||||
BA |
Fabaceae, Erythrina abyssinica Lam. Ex. DC. |
Beroo |
T |
W |
Crushed fresh bark is homogenized in water |
Oral |
Abdominal distention, and cramp |
63 | |||||||
BA |
Fabaceae, Taverniera abyssinica A. Rich, |
Dingatanya |
SH |
W |
Dried root is fumigated only dry root is tuting with teelth |
Oral |
Spiritual disease |
18 | |||||||
Internal Parasite | |||||||
BA |
Lamiaceae, Ajuga integrifolia, Buch.-Hamn. |
Armaguusa |
H |
W |
Leaf of A. integrifolia is pounded and mixed with nut oil |
Oral |
Epilepsy |
29 | |||||||
BA |
Lamiaceae, Clerdendrum myricoides Hochst |
Maraasisa |
SH |
W |
Leaves of C. Myricoides are extracted with cold water |
Oral |
Abdominal distension |
32 | |||||||
BA |
Lamiaceae, Ocimum gratissimum L. |
Damakase |
SH |
w |
Leafof O. gratissimum is squeezed and its drop is prepared |
Oral |
Alergic |
11 |
Nasal |
Skin | |||||||
BA |
Lamiaceae, Ocimium lamifolium Hochst. Ex. Benth. |
Hancabbii |
H |
D |
Leaf of Ocimum lamifolium is smashed and sniffed |
Nasal |
Headache |
15 | |||||||
Voucher number
Family, Genera, species names |
Local names |
Growth habit |
Plant type, cultivated/wild |
Part(s) used and preparation method |
Administration route |
Disease(s) treated |
BA |
Loganiaceae, Buddleja polystachya Fresen. |
Hanfaaree |
T |
W |
Leaf of B. polystachya is chewed and spitted on cattle eye. |
Optical |
Eye disease |
31 | |||||||
BA |
Melianthaceae, Bersama abyssinica Fresen. |
Lolchiisaa |
SH |
W |
Leafy-Stem tip of B. abyssinica is squeezed and creamed on wound |
Dermal |
Wound |
12 | |||||||
BA |
Moraceae, Ficus sycomorus L. |
Odaa |
T |
W |
Sap is collected from bark surface of Ficus sycomorus and creamed on skin. |
Dermal |
Hepatitis |
47 | |||||||
BA |
Muluginaceae, Glinus lotoides L. |
Mataharree |
H |
W |
Leafy-stem ofG. lotoides is crused, pwodered and liquified. |
Oral |
Tape worm |
23 | |||||||
BA |
Myrsinaceae, Maisa lanceolata, |
Abbayii |
T |
W |
Bark of M. lanceolata is pounded and mixed with butter |
External, |
Elephantiasis |
82 | |||||||
BA |
Myrtaceae, Eucalyptus globules labing |
Bargamoo Adii |
T |
D |
Leaf of E. globules is boiled in water |
Nasal |
Influenza |
48 |
Allergic |
BA |
Poaceae, Cynodon dactylon L. Pers |
Coqosa adii |
H |
W |
Leafy-stem is harvested and given for cattle |
Oral |
Bone fracture |
30 | |||||||
BA |
Poaceae, Cynodon nemfuensis |
Coqorsa gurraacha |
H |
W |
Crash leaf stem with teeth |
Dermal |
Tonsillitis |
46 | |||||||
BA |
Phytolaccaceae, Phytolocca dodecandra, L ‘Hert. |
Andoodee |
H |
W |
Leaf of P. dodecandra is squeezed and juice is made |
Oral |
Sinus |
34 | |||||||
Anemia | |||||||
BA |
Plumbaginaceae, Plumbago zeylanica L. |
Martus |
H |
W |
Leaf of P. zeylanica is squeezed and juice is made |
Oral |
Cancer |
41 | |||||||
BA |
Polygalaceae, Rumex neppalensis Spreng |
Tult |
H |
W |
Root of R. nepalensis is pounded and two cup of tea is taken with coffee. |
Oral |
Stomachache |
10 | |||||||
BA |
Polygalaceae, Securidica longipedunculata Fresen |
Etsamanaay (Amharic) |
T |
W |
Root is pounded and mixed with H2O |
Oral |
Intestinal parasite |
13 | |||||||
BA |
Ranunculaceae, Nigella sativa L. |
Gurra |
SH |
D |
Concoction, dry pounded seed with pounded dry Brassica juncea and Echinops kebericho root, powder is mixed with water |
Nasal |
Headache |
22 | |||||||
BA |
Rocaceae, Prunus africana (Hook. f.) Kalkman |
Hoomii |
T |
W |
Liquid extracts from P. africana bark is pounded, juiced and drunk for treatment |
Oral |
benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostate gland hypertrophy |
37 | |||||||
BA |
Rubiaceae, Coffee arabica L. |
Buna |
T |
D |
Roust the seed, pounded and mixed with honey |
Oral |
Diarrhea |
20 | |||||||
Voucher number
Family, Genera, species names |
Local names |
Growth habit |
Plant type, cultivated/wild |
Part(s) used and preparation method |
Administration route |
Disease(s) treated |
BA |
Rutaceae, Clausena anisata (Wild.) Benth. |
Ulumaa’i |
T |
W |
Leaf of C. anisata, Solanecio gigas and Justicia schimperiana are pounded together |
Dermal |
Skin irritation |
39 | |||||||
BA |
Rutaceae, Ruta chalepensis L. |
Cilaattama |
H |
D |
Leaf of R. chalepensis and leaf of Vernonia amygdalina are smashed together and one cup of domestic alcohol is taken by human |
Oral |
Stomacache |
44 | |||||||
BA |
Simarobouceae, Brucea antidysentrica Fresen |
Qomonyo |
SH |
W |
Leaf of B. antidysenterica is pounded and mixed with water in dish. |
Dermal |
External parasite |
44 | |||||||
BA |
Solanaceae, Datura stramonium L. |
Asaangira |
SH |
W |
Leafy-stem is squeezed and its drop prepared with butter |
Dermal |
Wart Toothache |
56 | |||||||
BA |
Solanaceae, Withania somnifera L. Dunal |
Kumo |
SH |
W |
Leaf ofW. somnifera is powdered, juiced and drunk for 4 days. |
Oral |
Malaria |
55 | |||||||
BA |
Zingibiraceae, Zingiber officinale Roscoe | Zinjibila | H | D | Leafy-Stem is pounded and mixed with “kullubbii + gurra” | Nasal |
Influenza Internal Parasite treatment |
17 | Oral |
Keys: H- Herb, SH-Shrub, T-Tee, W, Wild. D-Domesticated.
BA= Balcha Abera