Figure 7.
Autophagy is induced in the liver in response to LPS. A, qPCR analysis of autophagy gene expression in the livers from mice treated with saline (white columns) or LPS (black columns). The mice were retreated with a single ip injection at 4:00 pm and harvested at 11:00 pm. Data represent mean ± SE. *, P < .05. B, Autophagy flux assay in treated mice. The increase of LC3-II after leupeptin injection is indicative of the rate of autophagy flux. Ponceau S-stained blot serves as a loading control. C, Plasma ALT and AST of HFD-fed control and FILKO mice injected with saline or LPS. D, qPCR analysis of hepatic gene expression. Fold induction by LPS is indicated above the columns. Data in C and D represent mean ± SE. *, P < .05, FILKO/LPS vs FILKO or LPS alone; #, P < .05, FILKO vs control.