aggrecan-knockin (Jaffa, ADAMTS resistant) |
C57BL/6 |
aging |
12 months old |
cartilage, bone |
Little 2007 |
Adam15 ko (metargidin) |
129/SvJ |
aging |
3-, 6-, 12–14-months old |
cartilage, bone, synovium, meniscus, tendons, ligaments |
At 3 months, no change
At 6 months, increased synovial hyperplasia
At 12–14 months, significantly worse histological score compared to WT (score summed: proteoglycan loss, cartilage erosion, necrosis, osteophyte formation, synovial hyperplasia, mensici cartilage erosion, metaplasia in tendons/ligaments)
Bohm 2005 |
Timp3 ko |
C57BL/6 |
aging |
4 weeks to 24 months old |
cartilage, meniscus |
At 6 months, increased VDIPEN and slight increase in NVTEGE in articular cartilage and menisci
At 6 months, increased pericellular collagenase activity
At 6 months, increased collagen × expression throughout cartilage
At 8 months, increased aggrecan degradation, no evidence fibrosis
Sahebjam 2007 |
Mmp2 ko |
C57BL/6J |
aging |
up to 6 months old |
cartilage, bone |
KO mice display attenuated features of human multicentric osteolysis with arthritis (MOA) including progressive articular cartilage destruction, loss of bone mineral density, abnormal long bone and craniofacial development, and decreases in osteoblast and osteoclast numbers
Mosig 2007 |
Mmp3 ko (Str1) ko |
B10.RIII |
aging |
1, 2 years old |
cartilage, bone, synovium |
At 1 year, only mild OA changes in ko and WT, no difference from WT
At 2 years, cartilage damage score decreased in the lateral femoral condyle and overall joint score was also significantly decreased in ko mice; 25% reduction in VDIPEN staining; No significant differences in fibrosis or synovial infiltration
Blom 2007 |
Mmp13 overexpressing |
aging |
5 months old |
cartilage, synovium |
Increased Mankin score for tibia and femur histopathology in the tg (included characteristic erosion of the articular cartilage associated with loss of proteoglycan and excessive cleavage of type II collagen by collagenase, as well as synovial hyperplasia)
Increased collagen II cleavage associated with increased presence of MMP-13
Neuhold 2001 |
Mmp13 overexpressing |
aging |
20 weeks old |
cartilage |
Glasson 2007 |
Mmp14 ko (MT1-MMP) ko |
Swiss Black mice |
aging |
up to day 40 |
joints |
At day 5, shorter limb bones
At day 40 onwards, mice developed severe generalized arthritis. All joints showed overgrowth of a hypercellular, vascularized synovial tissue and destruction of articular cartilage, resulting in ankylosis. Tendons, ligaments, synovial capsules, musculotendinal junctions, and septal/fascial structures associated with skeletal muscle all displayed increased cell proliferation and vascularity, and became increasingly fibrotic.
Holmbeck 1999 |
Ctsk overexpressing |
aging |
7, 12 months old |
cartilage, synovium |
At 7 months, no cartilage degradation
At 12 months, severe degradation resulting from synovitis in tg mouse compared to WT; synovial hyperplasia, chondrocyte clusters at margins of articular surface and in menisci
Morko 2005 |