Figure 3.
(A) Grand averages of the P3-difference waveforms between go and no-go trials in control, relapser, and nonrelapser groups. Computation of the P3d, ie, the mean difference wave (go P3 wave subtracted from the no-go P3 wave) for control, relapser, and nonrelapser groups at the FC1, Cz, and FC2 sites. The red line represents the relapser group’s mean wave, whose amplitude was greater than the nonrelapser (blue line) and control groups (green line). (B) Mean individual P3d amplitudes in patient group. Mean difference wave (go P3 wave subtracted from the no-go P3 wave) for each patient derived from the computation of the six electrode sites (FC1, FC2, Cz, CP1, CP2, and Pz) and the three contexts (nonalcohol-related background pictures [NAC], two alcohol-related background pictures [AC], neutral black background [NC]) collapsed as a function of their abstinence status at 3-month follow-up: relapsers are represented in red, and nonrelapsers are represented in blue.