Figure 1. Colonic mucosal dysbiosis in chronic, untreated HIV-1 infection is dominated by increased abundance of Prevotella.
Bacterial taxa were identified in colon biopsies from 17 subjects with chronic, untreated HIV-1 infection and 14 uninfected control subjects using bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA sequencing. (a) Stacked bar representing the average relative abundance of the top 9 most abundant phyla within colon biopsies of uninfected and HIV-1 infected subjects with the average percentage of the 3 most dominant phyla shown. Bacteria that were not identified as belonging to any known phylum were termed “Unclassified”. Statistical analysis was performed using the adonis function of the vegan community ecology R package and no overall significant difference existed at the phylum level between uninfected and HIV-1 infected subjects (p=0.11). (b) Comparison of the relative abundance of the Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes phyla within uninfected and HIV-1 infected subjects. Values are shown as a fraction of the total bacteria detected within each individual. Lines represent the median value. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann Whitney U test. (c) Stacked bar plot representing the average relative abundance of the top 10 most abundant bacterial families (from 91 total families detected) within colon biopsies of uninfected and HIV-1 infected subjects with a statistical difference observed in the overall average relative abundance between these two cohorts (*: p=0.02). #Statistical difference observed when the relative abundance of families within uninfected individuals was compared to HIV-1 infected individuals using the Mann-Whitney U test. (d) Plots showing individual relative abundance of various genera that were statistically different between uninfected and HIV-1 infected subjects assessed using the Mann-Whitney U test. Values are shown as a fraction of the total bacteria detected within each individual. Lines represent the median value. The ratio of the relative abundance of Bacteroides to Prevotella was calculated for each individual and plotted as shown. Dotted line designates a ratio of 1.0 (relative abundance of Bacteroides = relative abundance of Prevotella). False discovery rate corrections were not performed and P values are uncorrected.