Figure 3.
(A) Fluorescent intensities as a function of time for reactions of 0.05 μM sfGFP-1 (coloured in blue) and 0.05 μM sfGFP-2 (coloured in red) with 10 μM 3 in the presence of 100 mM aniline and at pH 7. Presented in the inset is the linear dependence of the determined pseudo first-order rate constants for the reaction of 0.1 μM sfGFP-1 with 3 on the concentrations of 3. (B) Gel imaging analysis of labelling of sfGFP-1 and sfGFP-2 with 4 with different incubation times. For both sfGFP-1 and sfGFP-2, labelling was carried out in conditions with 8 μM protein, 10 μM 4, 100 mM aniline, and pH 7. Reactions were quenched with the addition of 2 mM benzaldehyde at indicated times and analyzed by denaturing SDS-PAGE. The top panel shows proteins with Coomassie blue staining and the bottom panel presents the fluorescent imaging of the same gel before Coomassie blue staining.