Figure 1. Microtubule dynamics are modulated throughout cell differentiation of the sex myoblast lineage in intact C. elegans.
(A) The SM lineage is followed during post-embryonic development from L3 to adult. SM: sex myoblast, VPCs: vulval precursor cells, UMC: uterine muscle cell, VMC: vulval muscle cell. (B) Egg-laying apparatus expressing GFP::tubulin in vulval cells and the SM lineage. Images are maximal intensity projection of 10 μm (L3) or 20 μm (adult). (C) Magnified views of the MT cytoskeleton in the SM and the UMC. (D) Representative kymographs of MTs in the SM and UMC. (E) Scatter plots represent individual MT dynamics parameters of the precursor (SM; green) and differentiated cell (UMC; blue). ** p value < 0.001 unpaired t test. Error bars = SD. (F) Average values for the 4 parameters used in the diamond graphs. MT dynamics in the SM and UMC are displayed and compared using jointly normalized diamond graphs. The table represents the mean values in the diamond graphs. n(MTs) ≥ 120, n(worms) ≥ 10.