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. 2014 Jun 16;24(12):1331–1340. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2014.05.001

Figure 4.

Figure 4

Posterior Hippocampal Activity Negatively Correlates with the Distance and Direction to the Goal during Decision Points in Navigation Tasks

(A) Illustrative map with part of a route (black line) to a goal location (black circle) and Decision Points (black squares).

(B) The parameter “normalized path distance to the goal × egocentric goal direction” (PD×EGD) at the three Decision Points from the example route in (A) is plotted against time.

(C) Normalized PD×EGD separated into four levels is plotted against parameter estimates at the peak voxel of the posterior right hippocampus. Note that the scatter plot was not used for statistical inference (which was carried out within the SPM framework) and is shown solely for illustrative purposes.

(D) Right posterior hippocampal activity correlated significantly negatively with PD×EGD during Decision Points in navigation. The following abbreviation is used: L, left. See Figure S4 for other coronal sections with this and other contrasts.

(E) The parameter estimates for the peak voxel in the right posterior hippocampus in the navigation condition are plotted for navigation (Nav) and control (Con) conditions. Asterisks indicate significance at a threshold of p < 0.05 (family-wise error was corrected for a priori regions of interest).

(F) Right posterior hippocampal activity correlated significantly more negatively with PD×EGD during navigation routes than during control routes. The following abbreviation is used: L, left.

(G) The bar graph shows the parameter estimate for the peak voxel in the right posterior hippocampus in the navigation > control contrast for PD×EGD. § symbols indicate significance at a threshold of p < 0.005 (uncorrected).

Errors bars in (C), (E), and (G) denote the SEM.