a, Riboregulator circuits tightly regulate expression of curli
subunits, such as CsgAHis. Production of CsgAHis requires
the expression of trans-activating RNA (taRNA). The taRNA
prevents the cis-repressive (cr) sequence from blocking the
ribosome-binding sequence (RBS) controlling translation of the mRNA transcript.
In the absence of inducer, mRNA and taRNA levels are low, thus leading to
significant repression of gene expression. The addition of aTc induces
transcription of both csgAHis mRNA and taRNA, thus
enabling CsgAHis production. Tight regulation of curli expression is
useful for controlling patterning (Supplementary Fig. 19). b, Immuno-labelling of
curli fibrils with rabbit anti-CsgA antibodies and gold-conjugated goat
anti-rabbit antibodies. Positive-control (“+ ctrl”) MG1655
ompR234 cells (“ompR234”,
see Supplementary Table
3), which have an intact endogenous csgA gene,
produce curli fibrils that were labelled by anti-CsgA antibodies and are
attached to cells. However, negative-control (“− ctrl”)
cells with the csgA gene knocked out and no
csgA-expressing circuits (“ΔcsgA
ompR234”, see Supplementary Table 3), as well as
aTcReceiver/CsgAHis cells in the absence of aTc, did
not produce curli fibrils. Inducing aTcReceiver/CsgAHis
cells with aTc enabled the synthesis of curli fibrils that were labelled by
anti-CsgA antibodies and attached to cells. Scale bars are 200nm.
c, Confocal microscopy and biomass quantification revealed that
under static culture conditions, E. coli ompR234 cells formed
thick adherent biofilms. However, E. coli ΔcsgA
ompR234 cells, as well as aTcReceiver/CsgAHis
cells in the absence of aTc, did not form biofilms. Inducing
aTcReceiver/CsgAHis cells with aTc led to the
formation of thick adherent biofilms. d, Confocal microscopy and
biomass quantification revealed similar biofilm-forming capabilities by
E. coli ompR234 and induced
aTcReceiver/CsgAHis cells when grown in flow cells. To
enable visualization, we transformed a constitutive mCherry-expressing plasmid
into all strains (see Supplementary Methods). Cells were grown in liquid M63 media with
glucose; the corresponding experiments for other media conditions are shown in
Supplementary Figure 1 and
2. Scale bars in c) and d) are 50μm, and orthogonal XZ and YZ
views are maximum-intensity projections.