Test of immune priming in queens of Lasius niger (upper panels, A and B) and Formica selysi (lower panels, C and D). The figure shows Kaplan-Meier survival curves for mated queens (left panels, A and C) and virgin queens (right panels, B and D), respectively. In controls, the queens were exposed to control solvent and challenged with control solvent (Control–Control, black thin dashed line) or exposed to a low dose of the entomopathogenic fungus B. bassiana and challenged with control solvent (Beauveria–Control, black thin continuous line). In the test of priming, queens were exposed to control solvent and challenged with a high dose of B. bassiana (Control–Beauveria, light green bold dashed line) or exposed to a low dose of B. bassiana and challenged with a high dose of B. bassiana (Beauveria–Beauveria, dark green bold continuous line). Sample sizes (number of queens) for each treatment are indicated in brackets. Different lower case letters indicate treatments that differed significantly from one another.