Table 1.
The location of each virtual sensor is reported in both MNI and Talairach coordinates. The Brodmann area for which the voxel is the center of mass is listed and the corresponding functional area is given. Experimental and theoretical references are given that informed the choice of central voxel for the ROI analysis.
MNI Voxel Location | Talairach Voxel | Brodmann Area | Functional Area | References |
[−54.3, −26.5, 11.6] [54.4, −26.7, 11.7] |
[−51, −27, 13] [52, −27, 13] |
41/42 | Primary Auditory Cortex | pSTg: [−64,−30,14]11 PT: [−52,−34,16] 11 PT: [58,−28,12] 11 pSTG:[−62,−30,14]11 pdSTs: [58,−28,6] 11 pdSTS:[−60,−30,10]11 PT: [−62,−24,10]11 STG/42: T: [53, −20, 9]10 [57, −20, 15]10 [–57, –20, 20]10 Auditory Cortex6,8 BA 41/426,12 STG/STS8,12 Sensory System7 |
[−58, −19.8, −6] [58.9, −20.1, −6.1] |
[−54, −21, −1] [56, −21, 0] |
21/22 | Superior Temporal Gyrus/ Middle Temporal Gyrus | STA: [52 −10 −2]2 STS: [−60 −30 3]1 STS: [63 −24 0]1 MTG/BA 21: T: [57, –10, –7]10 [57, −30, −2]10 [−53, −13, −7]10 [−53, −26, −7]10 STG/BA 22: T: [57, –17, 9]10 [−57, −17, 4]10 adSTs: [56,−10,−4]11 Auditory Cortex6,8 BA 21/226,12 STG/STS8,12 Sensory System7 |
[−51.2, −43.3, 40.0] [51.8, −43.3, 40.4] |
[−50, −41, 38] [52, −40, 38] |
40 | Supermarginal Gyrus/posterior Superior Temporal Sulcus/Inferior Parietal Lobule | IPS: [45, −36, 45]1 IPS: [32, −42, 44]2 Spt: [−51, −42, 21]1 Supramarginal Gyrus: T: [−44, −40, 40]3 Spt: T: [−52, −43, 28]4 Spt: T: [−40, −32, 26]4 PO: [−44,−34,24]11 IPS5 IPL, BA 39&406 Parietal Cortex7,9 Spt8 |
[−46, 0, 35] [46.5, 0, 35] |
[−45, 0, 33] [45, 0, 32] |
6 | Premotor Cortex | Premotor: [−52, 8, 38]2 Precentral Gyrus: T: [48 −4 36]3 [−34 2 38]3 Inferior Frontal Gyrus: T:[−50 10 36]3 Precentral Sulcus: [−51 −9 42]1 vPMC: [−48,0,30]11 Premotor Cortex6,7,8,12 BA 66 |
Buchsbaum, 2011
Toyomura, 2007
Gelfand, 2003
Hickok, 2009
Grefkes, 2005
Rauschecker, 2009
Shadmehr, 2008
Hickok, 2011
Andersen, 1997
Fu, 2006
Tourville, 2008
Hickok, 2007