Fig. 7.
There was decreased GluN1 immunoreactivity in acute CBD goats with partial recovery by 30 days post-CBD. A: GluN1-ir neurons within the NTS (20X, 0.50 NA) of a naive goat (top panel), a goat euthanized during hypoventilation after CBD (acute CBD-5 days; middle panel), and a goat euthanized after partial recovery of resting PaCO2 (chronic CBD-30 days; bottom panel). Note the qualitative decrease in GluN1 expression in the acute CBD goats and return of GluN1 expression in the chronic CBD goat. B: GluN1 optical density quantification within the NTS. On the y-axis is plotted normalized GluN1 OD ± SE, and on the x-axis is plotted distance rostral from obex (mm) in control/sham-CBD goats, acute-CBD goats, and chronic CBD goats. The F and P values are from the two-way ANOVA (distance and condition) on these data. C: average normalized GluN1 OD ± SE in 6 different respiratory nuclei and 1 nonrespiratory nucleus, the CN, in naive/sham-CBD goats, acute CBD goats, and chronic-CBD goats. C, top panel, shows GluN1 OD from the caudal (c) division of each nucleus, and C, bottom panel, shows the rostral (r) division. The open symbols represent GluN1 OD from the individual sham-CBD goat euthanized at 5 days post-sham surgery. *P < 0.05 vs. control/sham-CBD, **P < 0.05 vs. control/sham-CB, and chronic CBD.