Modulation of the firing rate during locomotion correlates with the burst probability during standing. A: probability of burst occurrence during standing in neurons with different receptive fields. B: maximal, average, and minimal firing rates during walking in neurons with different receptive fields. In A and B, pairs of data different with a confidence of P < 0.05 (t-test) are indicated with similar symbols (triangles, diamonds, stars, David stars). C: in the population of neurons, the magnitude of firing rate modulation (difference between maximal and minimal rates) during walking increased linearly with the probability of burst occurrence during standing. Regression is shown with a gray line; the equation and determination coefficient of the fit are indicated. Neurons related to the wrist or paw are depicted with triangles, neurons responsive to the elbow are shown with diamonds, shoulder-related neurons are represented with squares, and neurons without receptive fields are shown with circles.