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. 2014 Feb 17;87(1035):20130562. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20130562

Table 1.

Demographics and clinicopathological characteristics of 48 patients

Characteristics na %
 Median, range (years) 58, 43–82  
 Male 37 77.1
 female 11 22.9
Smoking history (pack years)b
 Never 15 31.3
 1–20 6 12.5
 21–40 10 20.8
 41–60 9 18.8
 >60 8 16.7
Karnofsky performance status
 60 2 4.2
 70 7 14.6
 80 23 47.9
 90 16 33.9
Disease stage
 IIIa 20 41.7
 IIIb 28 58.3
Tumour histology
 Squamous cell carcinoma 31 64.6
 Adenocarcinoma 10 20.8
 Not specified 7 14.6
Tumour location
 Left upper lobe 12 25.0
 Left lower lobe 7 14.6
 Right upper lobe 14 29.2
 Right mid-lobe 5 10.4
 Right lower lobe 10 20.8
Tumour location
 Peripheral 16 33.3
 Central 32 66.7
Treatment choice
 RT alone 3 6.3
 RT + adjuvant chemotherapy 1 2.1
 Concurrent chemoradiotherapy alone 0 0.0
 Concurrent + adjuvant chemotherapy 5 10.4
 Induction chemotherapy + RT 9 18.8
 Induction + RT + adjuvant chemotherapy 11 22.9
 Induction + concurrent chemotherapy 12 25.0
 Induction + concurrent + adjuvant chemotherapy 7 14.6
Target volume median, range (cm3)
 PTV 438.3, 204.9–1116.2  
 PTVG 131.0, 10.9–509.2  
Treatment dose median, range (Gy)
 PTV 51.58, 45.0–63.0  
 PTVG 63.0, 55.0–74.2  
PTVG dose (Gy)
 55–59 8 16.7
 60–64 20 41.7
 65–69 16 33.3
 ≥70 4 8.3

PTV, planning target volume; PTVG, gross tumour volume; RT, radiation therapy.


n denotes the number of patients, unless otherwise indicated.


1 pack year = smoking 20 cigarettes per day for 1 year.