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. 2014 Jan 12;43(3):20130202. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20130202

Table 1.

Scan sequences of T1 and T2 weighted turbo spin echo (TSE)

Parameters Sagittal T2 weighted TSE Axial T2 weighted TSE Coronal T2 weighted TSE Axial T1 weighted TSE
TR/TE 3000/90 ms 3000/90 ms 3000/90 ms Shortest/10 ms
FOV (AP × RL × FH) (mm) 200 × 89 × 200 200 × 200 × 118 109 × 200 × 200 200 × 200 × 118
Voxel size (AP)/gap (mm) 0.75/1.0 0.75/0.5 0.75/1.0 0.75/0.5
Slice thickness (mm) 3 3 3 3
Recon voxel size (mm) 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45
TSE factor 25 25 25 10
Flip angle 90 90 90 90
NSA 2 2 3 2
Total scan duration 2 min 6 s 2 min 32 s 3 min 9 s 4 min 38 s

AP, anteroposterior; FH, foot-to-head; FOV, field of view; NSA, number of signal averaged; RL, right-to-left; TE, echo time; TR, repetition time.