Figure 4.
C15 Inhibits Scar Formation
(A) Day 7 wound midsections (4× objective on top; 20× objective on bottom) stained with picrosirius red (collagen) from unwounded skin and vehicle- and C15-treated wounds.
(B) Images used for algorithm analysis (zoomed-in areas are shown underneath). Red lines were fitted by the algorithm along white lines of collagen, and the angles of each line were measured and compared for determining fiber alignment.
(C) Quantification of collagen fiber alignment in day 7 and 14 wounds. An entirely randomly oriented network of collagen fibers would score 0.5 in this analysis, whereas complete fiber alignment would score 1.
Data are expressed as means ± SEM; there were six wounds per treatment group. ∗∗∗p < 0.001 and ∗∗p < 0.01 relative to vehicle-treated wounds. See also Figure S3 and Supplemental Experimental Procedures.