We use a change-point algorithm to find
transitions in the raw
SM force spectroscopy data. Left: Typical time trace obtained by SM
force spectroscopy in the passive mode35 showing the transitions between a zipped and unzipped state of an
RNA hairpin. The high force (i.e., high signal) state coincides with
the zipped state of the hairpin. The raw data are gray, and their
associated histogrammed signal intensity, also gray, shows substantial
overlap between low and high force states. We apply PELT,25 a change-point algorithm, and detect the steps
in the data shown in red. The histogrammed signal intensity of this
de-noised time trace still shows finite breadth. K-means++ is used
to cluster each dwell to its closest cluster. Here we specified three
clusters, since the red histogram has three well separated peaks.
The resulting quantized steps are shown in blue, and the resulting
signal histogram is, by construction, an infinitely sharp peak.