Figure 4. Archaeal and bacterial community structure.
(A) Phylum-level richness of Archaea detected in sediments prior to treatments. (B) Archaeal richness detected in sediments pre- and post-treatments. (C) NMDS ordination of archaeal community distances present within replicate samples. (D) Phylum-level richness of Bacteria detected in sediments prior to treatments. (E) Bacterial richness detected in sediments pre- and post-treatments. (F) NMDS ordination of bacterial community distances present within replicate samples. Designations for all samples are as follows: P- sediments prior to treatment, 1-pH 5.5 without organophosphate amendment, 2-pH 5.5 amended with G2P, 3-pH 5.5 amended with G3P, 4-pH 6.8 without organophosphate amendment, 5-pH 6.8 amended with G2P, and 6-pH 6.8 amended with G3P. Phylum-level richness of Archaea and Bacteria prior to treatments represents the summation of total richness detected from replicate sediment DNA extractions.