Fig. 5. Effects of C12 on caspase 3/7 in WT and DKO MEF, and the (lack of) effect of Bak and Bax expression.
WT and DKO MEF stably expressing GFP, Bak or Bax were treated with either 50 μM C12 or 10 μM staurosporine for 2 hrs, followed by measurement of caspase 3/7 activity. C12 activated caspase 3/7 in WT and in DKO MEF, whether or not they expressed GFP or Bak or Bax. Staurosporine activated caspase 3/7 in WT and in DKO MEF that expressed Bak or Bax, but not in DKO (parental) or DKO+GFP MEF. Caspase activities in RLU were normalized in each comparison to values observed in the absence of C12 (control). Data are avg +/− SD (n = 3 expts). * p< 0.05 for comparisons between C12-treated or staurosporine-treated vs. control.