Figure 1.
Phylogenetic relationships between the 29 SRK-related sequences found in Biscutella neustriaca and sequences from other Brassicaceae. The evolutionary trees were built using Neighbor-Joining with a Poisson corrected distance based on amino acid sequences. The proportion of replicate trees in which branches clustered together is indicated close to nodes (1000 bootstrap replicates). (A) The 29 SRK-related sequences found in B. neustriaca cluster in three monophyletic groups similar in sequence to SRK (BneSRKL_A, B, and C) and paralogs ARK3 and Aly327420 found in other other Brassicaceae. Aha, Arabidopsis halleri; Aly, A. lyrata; Ath, A. thaliana; Bol, Brassica oleracera; Bra, B. rapa; Bne, Biscutella neustriaca). (B) Phylogenetic relationships among SRK and SRK-like (SRKL) sequences in four species of Brassicaceae: Capsella grandiflora (black); Brassica oleracera (gray), Arabidopsis lyrata (white), and B. neustriaca (dark gray). The three clades in Biscutella (continuous line) are distinct to the two clades of Brassica (dotted line). Accession numbers of SRK-related sequences are detailed in Table S1.