ISP1 and MORN1-YFP localization (A) during early budding in normally dividing parasites or (B) after 48 hours growth in 0.5 µM oryzalin. In normal division, a pair of MORN1 rings marks the growing ends of the two daughter buds (arrows) and ISP1 labels each apical cap (arrowheads). MORN1 is also present in the spindle pole (double arrowhead) as well as in the maternal basal complex. (B) In the presence of oryzalin, subpellicular MT polymerization is blocked, preventing cytokinesis and resulting in a large amorphous cell. Numerous early bud rings are labeled by ISP1 (arrowhead). A number of bright MORN1 puncta (double arrowhead) are centrally located in the cell and may correspond with spindle poles (>2 spindle poles are expected as DNA replication and mitosis are not inhibited under these conditions). These puncta are surrounded by less signal intense MORN1 structures (arrows), a few of which co-localize with an ISP1-positive early bud ring, but most of which do not.