Figure 6. Alleles on all three Sk chromosomes show drive (independent of mitochondrial DNA type).
(A) Sk alleles were inherited by significantly more than 50% of the viable spores produced by Sk/Sp hybrids, except ura1 and ura4 (G-test p<0.01; n >100 for each). The markers nearest to the meiotic drive loci (i.e., those showing the greatest bias towards Sk inheritance) are shown in boldface. The color scheme is the same as that in Figure 4. The data underlying these numbers are shown in Figure 4—figure supplement 3, and Figure 6—figure supplement 1. (B) The Sk alleles of lys1, his5 and ade6 show significant drive both in the presence and absence of recombination (**p<0.01, n >300 for lys1 and his5, n >80 for ade6). The amount of his5 drive is greater in the absence to Rec12 due to enhanced linkage with the driving locus. The data underlying this graph are shown in Figure 6—figure supplement 1. (C) Incompatibilities between the Sk mitochondrial DNA and Sp nuclear genes are not responsible for the drive phenotype because we observed the same drive in rec12Δ Sk/Sp hybrids with either Sk or Sp-derived mitochondrial DNA (**p<0.01, n >200 for lys1 and his5, n >50 for ade6). The data underlying this graph are shown in Figure 6—figure supplement 4.