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. 2013 Oct 15;27(1):37–47. doi: 10.1111/pcmr.12185

Table 2.

Consideration for canine melanoma surrogate clinical trial development strategya

Elements of strategy Fundamental action/procedure Constructive consideration
Clinical documentation
 Patient data Presentation/history, duration, previous workup, management Breed and other background information useful to generate data on incidence
 Gross lesion documentation Extent of disease. Description of specific anatomic location (not just indication of oral cavity); dimensions in mm, two axes; ulceration, evidence of dissemination. Photograph lesion with a ruler if possible
 Biopsy Inclusion for diagnostic intent/therapeutic intent (excisional, incisional); preservation for correlative molecular analysis. Consideration of lateral extent as well as vertical depth of invasion; attention paid to quality of sampling, preservation, QA, and utilization
 Pathology review Development of features of malignancy for initial assessment for trial enrollments: differentiation, proliferation, growth pattern, invasion, and dissemination, etc. Continue refining prognostic summation; Inclusion of IHC panel if needed for diagnosis Incorporate Table 3. Smedley et al. (2011b) Capture classical features outlined – Adapt how used initially versus what becomes useful from adjunct molecular data and outcomes
Clinical staging/prognosis and monitoring
 Imaging for dissemination Ultrasound of lymph nodes to detect metastasis (includes submandibular) +/− consideration of removal for staging; alternative consideration ultrasound-guided fine needle aspirate cytology for staging
 CT (MRI) imaging evaluation Lung particularly; lymph node; abdomen Consideration of monitoring for brain involvement; inclusion of cranial imaging
 Biopsy Monitoring response to therapy, as appropriate Lymph nodes or other palpable disease is recommended
 Endpoint assessment Necropsy examination, with collection of tissue for research, and documentation of extent of disease/host response.
Quality-of-life measures Assessments of fatigue, cardiac function, mucositis, altered mentation, serial assessments of metabolic and hematological toxicity, threshold of toxicity versus response Harmonized approach for multicenter trials; similar to Paoloni and Vail (2013)
Client education Informed consent; necropsy education; should include education on how the initiative intended to benefit both dogs and humans relies upon evidence obtained from patient specimens Necropsy education; emphasis on historical shortcomings impediment to progress. Education design beyond pro forma consent for necropsy
Follow-up Directly with owner/clients and indirectly with primary care clinician
Genomics Global discovery genomics, proteomics and informatic methods: develop and apply. Database and clinical monitoring integration

Strategic approach for trial design represents an initial outline to be developed further with medical and veterinary oncologists, pathologists, and basic and clinical melanoma research investigators for use in developing multidisciplinary trials for piloting therapeutics for human melanoma. Research outcomes are anticipated to produce parallel benefits for canine melanoma patients.