Figure 4.
Enzymatic production of 4-HNE and metabolism. In plant enzymatic route to 4-HNE includes lipoxygenase (LOX), -hydroperoxide lyase (HPL), alkenal oxygenase (AKO), and peroxygenases. 4-HNE metabolism may lead to the formation of corresponding alcohol 1,4-dihydroxy-2-nonene (DHN), corresponding acid 4-hydroxy-2-nonenoic acid (HNA), and HNE–glutathione conjugate products. 4-HNE conjugation with glutathione s-transferase (GSH) produce glutathionyl-HNE (GS-HNE) followed by NADH-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH-)catalysed reduction to glutathionyl-DNH (GS-DNH) and/or aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH-)catalysed oxidation to glutathionyl-HNA (GS-HNA). 4-HNE is metabolized by ALDH yielding HNA, which is metabolized by cytochrome P450 (CYP) to form 9-hydroxy-HNA (9-OH-HNA). 4-HNE may be also metabolized by ADH to produce DNH.