Figure 1.
Mass spectrometric analysis of bovine mt tRNAAla for assignment of post-transcriptional modifications. (A) Secondary structure of bovine mitochondrial tRNAAla with post-transcriptional modifications determined in this study. The position numbers of the modifications are displayed according to the nucleotide numbering system from the tRNA compilation (40). Symbols for modified nucleosides are as follows: m1A, 1-methyladenosine; m2G, N2-methylguanosine and Ψ, pseudouridine. Watson–Crick base pairs are indicated by solid lines, whereas G–U pairs are indicated by asterisks. (B) Nucleoside analysis of bovine mitochondrial tRNAAla. Left, top panel: UV chromatogram at 254 nm of the four major nucleosides (C, U, G and A). Left, lower panels: extracted-ion chromatograms (XIC) for the protonated ion of m1A nucleoside (m/z 282, black line) with its base ion (m/z 150, gray line) (second panel), m2G nucleoside (m/z 298, black line) with its base ion (m/z 166, gray line) (third panel) and Ψ nucleoside (m/z 245, black line) (bottom panel). The XIC for the base ion (20% upper offset) is overlaid on the XIC for the nucleoside ion. Right: mass spectra of m1A and m2G. Cleavage positions for the base-related ions are indicated on the chemical structures. (C) RNA fragment analysis of RNase T1 digests of bovine mitochondrial tRNAAla. Assigned fragments are indicated on the base peak chromatogram (BPC) in the first panel. ‘p’ stands for the terminal phosphate group. The XIC for the doubly charged negative ion of a modification-containing fragment (AUUUm1Am2Gp, m/z 982.6) is indicated in the second panel. Because m2G at position 10 is a partial modification, both AUUUm1Am2Gp and AUUUm1AGp were detected. (D) RNA fragment analysis of RNase A digests of bovine mitochondrial tRNAAla. Assigned fragments are indicated on the BPC. The XIC for the doubly charged negative ion of the 5′-terminal fragment (pGAGGAUp, m/z 1047.6) is indicated in the second panel. (E) A CID spectrum of a cyanoethylated RNA fragment to determine the location of a Ψ site. The doubly charged negative ion of the RNA fragment (m/z 1617.7) shown in the inset was used as the precursor ion for CID. The product ions were assigned according to McLuckey et al. (41). The asterisks in the spectrum denote product ions containing ce1Ψ. (F) Whole mass analysis of intact bovine mt tRNAAla. A series of multiply charged negative ions is shown in the mass spectrum. The charge values are indicated in parentheses. The observed mass obtained by deconvoluting the mass spectra is shown in the inset.