Figure 1. Characterization and 2Dλ imaging analysis of DNA wrapped SWNT complexes.
a, chemical composition of complex with d(AAAT)7 and wrapped (AAAT)7-SWNT and PEG-(AAAT)7-SWNT. b,c Quenching activity of (AAAT)7-SWNT (red) and PEG-(AAAT)7-SWNT (blue) sensors quantified by percent quenching of original fluorescence using a 785 nm photodiode following exposure to (b) RNS and ROS compounds (analyzed continuously for 10 minutes and once at the 12 hours post addition time point) with error bars representing standard error (c) NO (analyzed continuously for 30 minutes). (n = 3) d, 2Dλ imaging analysis for (AAAT)7-SWNT in an excised mouse liver 30 minutes after a tail vein injection of PEG-(AAAT)7-SWNT imaged with white light excitation and an emission spectrum from 950 to 1050 nm with a 10 nm step and 20 second accumulation time (scale bars 4 mm).