The recovery from inactivation of Kv4.2 is gradually accelerated with increasing expression of KChIP4. A, representative current traces of the recovery from inactivation of Kv4.2 (5 ng) with various amounts of KChIP4 mRNA (0–5 ng). The currents were elicited by a two-pulse protocol, as shown in the inset. B, the kinetics of the recovery from inactivation of Kv4.2 at −80 mV with various amounts of KChIP4. The current amplitudes were normalized to the average of the prepulse current amplitudes at +40 mV (n = 3–13). C, time constants of the recovery from inactivation of Kv4.2 at −80 mV with various amounts of KChIP4. The time constants were obtained from B by fitting with a single exponential function. Error bars, S.E.