Figure 7. Macrophages induce increased scratch closure in smooth muscle in a manner dependent on intact BMPR2 receptor (A) Macrophage conditioned media inhibits BMP pathway activity in A7r5 vascular smooth muscle cells by BMP response element-luciferase reporter assay.
Multiple ANOVA reported a p<0.0001 for comparison between macrophage treated and untreated cells, and a trend towards additional inhibition by BMPR2 mutant macrophages. * = p<.05 for comparison shown by post-hoc t-test. (B) A7r5 coculture with macrophages inhibits BMP pathway activity, not cumulative with BMPRI inhibition by DM-3189. Significance was determined by two-way ANOVA. * = p<.05 for difference between control and macrophage conditioned media. § = p<.05 for difference between level of DM-3189 inhibition with stimulated macrophages and with either control or resting macrophages.