Table 3.
Principle components analysis 1 of reasons for engaging in NSSI
Reasons for self-injury | Factor 1 | Factor 2 | Factor 3 | U | M | SD |
8. To receive more attention from your parents or friends |
.86 |
.74 |
0.18 |
0.55 |
17. To get your parents to understand or notice you |
.78 |
.62 |
0.18 |
0.62 |
11. To get other people to act differently or change |
.71 |
.54 |
0.11 |
0.42 |
15. To let others know how desperate you were |
.65 |
.52 |
0.39 |
0.84 |
20. To get help |
.64 |
.42 |
0.08 |
0.40 |
12. To be like someone you respect |
.51 |
.42 |
0.04 |
0.19 |
3. To get attention |
.48 |
.29 |
0.19 |
0.54 |
21. To make others angry |
.43 |
.24 |
0.08 |
0.39 |
14. To stop bad feelings |
.72 |
.55 |
0.65 |
0.97 |
7. To try to get a reaction from someone, even if it’s negative |
.71 |
.54 |
0.15 |
0.52 |
22. To feel relaxed |
.70 |
.52 |
0.19 |
0.54 |
6. To get control of a situation |
.69 |
.51 |
0.26 |
0.62 |
4. To feel something |
.69 |
.55 |
0.29 |
0.67 |
10. To punish yourself |
.51 |
.38 |
0.33 |
0.71 |
2. To relieve feeling numb or empty |
.50 |
.32 |
0.16 |
0.51 |
18. To give yourself something to do when alone |
.22 |
0.18 |
0.54 |
13. To avoid punishment or paying the consequences |
.73 |
.54 |
0.03 |
0.17 |
9. To avoid being with people |
.56 |
.43 |
0.09 |
0.44 |
5. To avoid doing something unpleasant you don’t want to do |
.56 |
.46 |
0.20 |
0.55 |
16. To feel more a part of a group |
.44 |
.55 |
.51 |
0.05 |
0.27 |
1. To avoid school, work, or other activities |
.53 |
.38 |
0.16 |
0.53 |
19. To give yourself something to do with others | .12 | 0.03 | 0.17 |
1Varimax rotation, n = 170, 44.6% of variance explained. Loadings under 0.4 omitted. Items scored on a 4-point 0–3 scale.